I recently began programming and I realize Stack Overflow is an invaluable resource. I have read the rules and try my best to solve a problem on my own before asking a question. However I realize this site is extremely hostile to newcomers.
I say this because the first two questions that I asked were down-voted, and I feel like I have followed the guide-lines for asking questions. I'm now in danger of being barred from asking a question. Reviewing the questions I asked, I can find no serious issues with them. It seems to me that some users will down-vote a question out of spite when they don't know the solution to the question.
The reason I'm posting here is that I feel some methods should be implemented to give some protection to rule-abiding newcomers. What should be done to protect them?
statements. And I'll downvote all answers there, they're all playing the guessing game and the suggested solutions are workarounds for bad data (if whitespace was the problem to begin with) instead of fixing it.