I have answered a question.
Three down-votes came to me.
My answer was all correct and OK, but:
one of the down-votters commented why do you answer a question which already could be read "EASILY" in the manual.
This makes me but laugh. Is it really problematic to read answer a question which stands out bold in the manual of that certain software\technology, but when some points are not simply imaginable in the mind of the questioner, how could he/she understands searching his/her way through the manual?
The questioner does not know how he/she should ask about his/her specific question, but he/she can describe his/her question all well. In my specific case, the questioner asked about how to make all my fields in SQL set to be PRIMARY KEY, I, gave the answer by telling him/her that UNIQUE key is the point and etc... but I received down-votes..
Downvoting is only acceptable, or let me say, from my point of view is acceptable, as far as it makes the environment of SO better and more efficient, but it seems these scoring system has evoked some sense of POLICISM in this site. Too bad.
peer pressure