I realise that the chat system is somewhat "removed" from the network and almost "subsidiary" to it - but I feel it's a very important part of the network and contributes back to the ethos that SE stands for.

Thankfully, it happens rarely, but RO's should be able to ban/suspend users from their own rooms without having to flag and require moderator intervention.

All the "big/popular" rooms have established SO members as RO's - maybe we can (as it were) tilt the board a bit so that we don't have to bother moderators?

Suggested amendment keeping faith with @Ffisegydd's comment

  • Allow ROs to suspend a user from a room
  • Upon doing so, the system should automatically count that as a flag for mod attention
  • Upon doing so, the system should automatically raise a leave event for that user for that room
  • The time could be limited to something less than 4 hours?

From my perspective this'd allow rooms to "look after themselves" a bit better - it'd also with the auto-raising a flag allow suspension and notice of offensive avatars joining that haven't spoken/haven't performed any action on the site to flag otherwise be "gone".

Instead of "trash-canning" messages and flagging for mod intervention, this proposal puts it somewhat the other way around. Allow ROs to "immediately suspend" a user, while at the same time auto-raising a flag that a mod can consider (at some point in the next 4 hours or something...). From my POV - it buys everyone some time.

  • 40
    If this were to be implemented I would prefer it to be a "limited suspension" rather than a "ban". My idea of it is that ROs could suspend someone for N hours which effectively removes their write-access to the chatroom. If someone is suspended repeatedly then a moderator is automatically flagged as it obviously points to some greater issue.
    – Ffisegydd
    Commented Jul 7, 2014 at 10:08
  • 11
    What is also interesting with the automatic flag approach is that an abusive RO would be spotted relatively soon as well. Commented Jul 8, 2014 at 6:51
  • 6
    This does leave room for a large amount of "power-tripping", but as @MatthieuM. stated, the moderators could pick up on abusive RO's if that were the case.
    – Darren
    Commented Jul 8, 2014 at 8:30
  • 1
    hmm, I will now be suspended even more... but good case, +1 Commented Jul 9, 2014 at 12:52
  • 4
    This probably belongs on Meta Stack Exchange.
    – Ry- Mod
    Commented Jul 10, 2014 at 23:18
  • 3
    @minitech can you mark this as completed? It's been done systemwide now for a few weeks/months via the kickmute system. Commented Oct 29, 2014 at 18:55
  • 1
    @Benjamin good catch... I'd completely forgotten about this post :) Commented Oct 29, 2014 at 19:07

2 Answers 2


For the sake of completion, this feature has been implemented and rolled out to all the chat rooms now. It is called as kick-mute. Overview of this feature can be found in this balpha's answer.


As a room owner myself and the recent star-spam fiasco in the JavaScript, I support this notion.

There would of course need to be checks and balances to ensure that room owners don't get ban happy.

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