item's excerpt:
A separate and particular thing, heading, entry or object.
That's about as generic as it gets. In practice item has three uses:
- an item in a compound UI element, such as listview or combobox. item doesn't add any meaning.
- an item in a data structure, such as list or arrays. item doesn't add any meaning here, either.
- some domain-specific thing being frobbed in the asker's problem. In this role item means too many different things to be useful for searching or categorization. It's possible some clusters in these uses might become apparent after removing the first two uses, justifying new tags for the domain-specific things, but item itself won't become useful.
None of the top item answerers has more than 2 answers or 27 score, so it isn't useful for experts. (listview on its own has a user with 739 score from 266 answers.) item does have 4 followers for some reason.
item is one of those tags that result from people typing all the nouns in their question title into the tag box. It's just not useful for anything.
I'm still subject to suggested-edits review, so it's not clear how much I can help with burnination/retagging. My apologies if making a burnination-request is out of order until I reach 2k.