In this particular case, I completely and honestly do not understand. Got a "STOP! Look and Listen", but why?
The audit is here ->
The category is "Reopen Votes". I vote for "Leave Closed" where the question is solved by OP itself, and the only difference is a small explanation. Why should this question be reopened, since it already has been closed as low quality, unclear or whatever, after it has been solved by OP himself?
I cannot see the logic. For one, punish me for leaving the question closed, second, for punishing the community that now have yet another self-answered low-activity question without any real answers to deal with.
Why should this question be reopened? And why use this as a test case anyway? I really fail to see the big picture.
And again :
Here I voted for "Leave Closed", it was wrong too : You seem to be right @Andrew Medico. If it is an upvoted question, to 5 or more, it is a fail not to reopen, regardless the content or quality.