Now I was told there this isn't possible
This is actually because of the age, not the lack of migration paths. Questions older than 60 days cannot be migrated, even by moderators. This is an intentional restriction in place to prevent high voted posts (from Stack Overflow) from skewing the vote totals on other sites. This is because the (positive) voting is migrated with the question. Had you discovered this could have been migrated in November or December, then you could have flagged the post and a moderator would have tried to migrated it (after consulting with moderators on the target site).
The reason for the limited options and limited functionality is migration itself is not an openly embraced feature, and is treated as somewhat of a dirty word.
The reason is the community as a whole fail to understand questions and site scopes before migrating.
Only excellent posts that just happened to be posted on the wrong site should be considered for migration, but many users fail to grasp this concept. Rather than looking for quality before migration, they only see the topic and say "hmmm, I think this would be better on Programmers (or Server Fault or Super User or <insert your favorite site name here>
Next, users fail to understand the scope of the target site. They take the topic that they see and try to migrate, not understanding that the particular type of question or topic is not welcome on the target site.
Both of these issues now force 2 communities to clean up the post.
The limited migration option list is actually adjusted routinely based on migration success rate. If a particular migration path (based on moderator migrations) is shown to be very successful, then it would be considered to be added in favor of a site that has less successful migrations.
To add another limit, migration to Beta sites is almost never done. There will never be an existing migration path for the community to use, and moderators are extremely reluctant to migrate to those sites. This is because there may not be a sufficient community on the Beta site to help moderate the question once it moves.
So if you encounter an excellent question that is less than 60 days old that you think is off-topic on Stack Overflow but on-topic elsewhere (that is not a Beta site), then flag it and tell a moderator which site you want to migrate it and why you think it is on-topic.