I've been closing questions tagged excel-formula that seem like "how do I do this in Excel?".
Is that appropriate?
Here is a short list recent of ones that I feel are off-topic.
I've been closing questions tagged excel-formula that seem like "how do I do this in Excel?".
Is that appropriate?
Here is a short list recent of ones that I feel are off-topic.
I don't think we should close these. Especially if they're specifically about writing excel formulas.
What programming is is very hard to define. Even if we attempt to - a lot of people consider HTML programming and a lot don't, same for CSS and so on yet those are clearly on topic here.
For example - here is a classic problem, Euclid's algorithm coded in Excel.
These questions are after all about composing commands on top of each other to take the given input and transform it to an output. Even if it wasn't turing complete like Yogu said - I think we should allow them.
To make this perfectly clear - questions about how to use the excel program itself like "How do I open a file" do not fall under this category.
Excel formulas (like scripting questions) inhabit the grey, fuzzy area between Stack Overflow and Super User. Question on these can be asked on either site and should not be migrated unless at the express wish of the OP.
As there is overlap between Stack Exchange sites this means that just because a question is on topic on site B doesn't necessarily make it off topic on site A.
Obviously this overlap is limited so you should double check when you encounter a question about Excel to make sure that it's about what you think it's about.
I'd like to mention Wikipedia's definition of a programming language:
A programming language is a formal constructed language designed to communicate instructions to a machine, particularly a computer. Programming languages can be used to create programs to control the behavior of a machine or to express algorithms.
This is more or less what we're taught in computer science.
That being said, if you can achieve these communications in one way or another, using a programming-language, then you're programming.
You can program in Excel. If the questions are about the Excel formulas, then they should stay. If the questions are about achieving some functionality provided by the user-interface then it should, in most cases, be removed.
If they have a formula that doesn't quite work the way they want it to, and they're looking for help on how to modify/fix it, then that's probably on-topic.
If they have a requirement and they want you to write a formula for them (or have logic in some other language that needs a transcode), that's the same as any other programming question where they haven't put in any effort.
Using that criteria, I would close the 1st and 4th question on your list, the 3rd looks fine to me, and the 2nd looks salvageable, but he has to show his work first.
While the programming definition may be grey as to whether Excel formula are programming, stepping outside of SO:
only.While I normally vote to close vanilla Excel formula questions on SO, I accept there are different views on this, and it is a matter of preference.
The bigger issue is raised by pnuts in a comment above - why are there VBA
questions on SuperUser?
Interestingly while SO Excel formula question often get migrated to SU, the SU moderators don't accept suggestions that clear cut programming questions should be migrated to SO - which is a net loss for the askers as regardless of discussion semantics as to what constitutes programming, SO is actually where the heavy hitting Excel expertise is.
=SUM(A1:A10) + B42
type thing) is functional programming with unoriginal names. Sans VBA, Excel formulas are more closely related to lisp than any thing else. Related reading: Spreadsheet Programming
I'd challenge anyone who thinks this is not programming to get 200 reps or so in excel-formula or google-sheets-formula and still have the same opinion they had before. Just because it has a GUI doesn't automatically make it off topic or not about programming.
Spreadsheets are basically data holders, specifically in a two dimensional array like format. Formula is just data manipulation. Although the feature set is relatively low, at it's core, data manipulation using formula is similar to numpy or pandas. I'll list some features of formula that are common in other programming languages:
Data types: As with any typed programming language, all data have types like number, string, date. And there are problems with mixing types just like any other typed language.
Data structure: Arrays, specifically 2D arrays are supported. Formulas are written to manipulate these arrays and output new arrays. These are called array-formulas.
Inbuilt Functions: These are comparable with inbuilt methods of any other language. A new function is just a nesting/combination of inbuilt functions just like in any other language. For example, for string
, formulas exist for join
, find
, replace
, unicode
, etc. Google sheets even supports regex and questions about it are regularly asked. Are regular expressions mostly used by programmers or end users?
Operators: All commonly used operators(+
, etc.) including bitwise operators(BITOR
, etc.) are supported.
Conditional statements: IF
(Switch...case) are supported.
Loops: This is not robustly supported, but there is still some support for it in iterative calculations.
HTTP GET requests can be made to a url(urlencoding functions supported) with WEBSERVICE
(Google sheets) formulas with the resulting data parsed with xpath, if needed. Here's a sample Youtube webscraper built with formula.
Google sheets specifically has formula support for a reduced version of sql, called google-query-language, where sql statements are sent to a range using formula. Questions about this are regularly asked. For eg, a recent question was Why doesn't LIKE
's %
match new lines with this query: =QUERY(B:G;"SELECT D, E, SUM(F), AVG(F) WHERE B IS NOT NULL AND B LIKE '%"&H1&"%' GROUP BY D,E pivot C")
. Are queries like these used by non-programmers?
Data manipulation using functions/inbuilt methods is programming and cannot be considered off-topic, because it has a GUI or because the profession of it's intended audience is not related to computer science.
If you still believe it's not a programming tool, I would ask you to take up the challenge and still say that this is similar to using a notepad or writing in a Word software and not a programming tool.
The Stack Overflow Help Center says:
Questions about general computing hardware and software are off-topic for Stack Overflow unless they directly involve tools used primarily for programming.
The MS Excel is a part of MS Office. Who are users of the application? Is it primarily used by programmers? The Excel is generally used by
I agree, there are many task in Excel that requires programming skills (connetion to such external sources as SQL Server, VBA coding or other features that are placed on Developer tab). But the main target audience of the application doesn't know anything about programming, so it is expected the user should solve such typical task as formulas writing without programming skills. A formula creation is a common daily task of an office clerk. Formulas in cells are not used primarily for programming.
So, my opinion is a question about MS Excel that doesn't require to use Excel Development tools or external data sources (i.e. the question could be solved by typical Excel user) is off-topic on Stack Overflow.
from this Python code?" is a question about the Python programming language - not about python.exe
. The "unless" part there is, to my understanding, primarily intended to include questions about how to use IDEs (which I personally oppose, but eh).
Sep 12, 2022 at 16:33
Having just had one of my questions on Excel apparently deleted, I don't agree at all. Excel formulae are a form of programming, which not all people with technical skills will be familiar with. I'm a web developer, with only moderate Excel skills.
One of the fastest ways for people like myself to learn is to view other examples, so even questions like mine (which may appear basic and simple to those with the knowledge), are valid ones and helpful to the section of the community I come under.
If you don't like a question, move on. That's my thought on the subject.
Questions about Excel formulae are on topic at SuperUser.Com. They should be migrated there.
This is a long-standing practice. One of my first SO questions was about an issue I encountered with Excel.
Something an average user of Excel should know should not be on topic here, which includes formulas. This is a site for professional developers to help each other, not support for end users. This kind of question lowers the value of SO and should be moved to SU. List weekday dates with certain dates excluded
. Compare that with the reporting services example of=IIF(Fields!Closed_Date = Mid(Today(),1,9), "1", "0")
tag therefore is in my ignored tags list and I will not be answering any of those now or in the future. Formulas are easy enough and there is plenty of help on them on the internet so anyone seeking help has got plenty of resources on the internet - go do your search and research and solve your problem yourself.excel-vba
tag. It doesn't mention the ontopic-ness of formulas anywhere. The answer you pointed out by retailcoder is frankly irrelevant. Why should we pay more attention to that +4 answer than the +73 one on this page?