So there have been a number of questions about adding a FAQ feature to SO. For instance:
Setting up a FAQ for the C++ tag
There are a lot of good arguments there, and I don't want to rehash them. My question is more about what we SHOULD do if we want to organize a topic based FAQ.
Of course there is the Frequent tab in the Question search, but this is decidedly more needle-in-a-haystack than a true FAQ. What separates a FAQ is that a FAQ is curated, while an arbitrary search for frequently linked items is much more noisy.
As I see it, there are several possibilities in the given system.
- A single Topic-FAQ wiki-question. This has the advantage of "all FAQ questions in one place"
- a topic-faq tag, such as the C++-Faq. I find this to be less useful because it doesn't allow commentary by the curator to be associated with the list of items. Additionally, it's a lot more work to monitor for tag abuse than to watch a single question to prevent non-faq questions from being added.
- Both 1 & 2 above? Seems like double the work.
Would it be wrong to just go ahead and create #1 and let it evolve? Or would this be considered off-topic (or at least inappropriate for SO itself, would a topic-based FAQ belong better on meta?)
Obviously, a FAQ can also be considered too opinion based, so that is also an issue. Lots of people get worked up about what should and shouldn't be a FAQ.
It would be nice if SO had a feature that would allow questions/answers to be limited only to moderators and those with badges in the topics tagged by the question. Even better would be tags that only moderators/topic-badged can add, thus a question could be tagged 'topic-faq-proposed' and a moderator/topic-badged person can change it to topic-faq and not have to worry about random people marking things as topic-faq.
In the absence of any "curated" topic support in SO, what is the consensus about creating FAQ's and the most accepted way to do it?
Seems like much of what i'm looking for can be accomplished with the tag-wiki, a function which I didn't even know was there. The term "info" is a bit underwhelming for discoverability of FAQ's though. But that's ok.