It started this morning, with this question. Yet another PHP "something's wrong with my string encoding, json_encode
produces weird characters" question. I closed it as duplicate of a question which explains the whole non-issue. User haunts me complaining about abuse (now deleted). User pouts in the comments to his question (now deleted). User deletes his question entirely.
Now he's back with a new question; same topic, but apparently he has understood the (non-)issue and wants to offer a solution to it nonetheless. Fine, the new question is well written, on topic, not duplicated (as far as I know) and he's offering a self-coded "solution" as answer. Great. Except, the solution is wrong. It breaks easily.
I try to point that out in a comment. Shortly after the comment vanishes. I post it again. Comment vanishes again. Quite apparently the user is unhappy with me and knows of the flag button, and someone is obliging.
So now we have this pretty highly rated question standing there with a pretty highly rated answer which provides a solution which you just know will break someone's production code half a year down the line and the user doesn't want to hear of it. What do we do?