Letter I plan to send to Apigee, when I can find an appropriate email address:
I am a moderator at Stack Overflow, which is to say that, although I
am not affiliated with Stack Exchange in any way, I do clean up after
the messes that people leave on the site.
One especially significant source of messes are companies that give
the impression that they can obtain support for company products at
Stack Overflow, or that Stack Overflow is somehow affiliated with
companies providing product support. For the most part, they can't,
and they aren't.
Stack Overflow has very specific rules about what kinds of questions
can be asked there. Questions which do not meet those rules are "put
on hold" until they meet the site guidelines. When a user is given
the impression that they can obtain product support at Stack Overflow
and is rebuffed, that leaves a bad impression on everyone, including
your company.
Especially problematic is the link that you have provided to the Ask A
Question page with an automatic [apigee] tag. This link completely
bypasses the Help Center, where users are provided with the site
guidelines. This contributes to the problem of users asking off-topic
Finally, this approach gives the unfortunate impression that you
apparently can't afford to provide legitimate support for your
offerings, an impression that I'm sure you don't want to convey.
More information about this specific issue can be found at
Why we're not customer support for [your favorite company] and
Reach out to Apigee about outsourcing their support to Stack Overflow.
Thank you for listening.
Robert Harvey
Stack Overflow Moderator
I found especially amusing the fact that, when I tried to send this from their "Send Feedback" page, the button labelled "Submit Feedback" didn't work. :)