Lately, I have quit my SO's professional-debugger position caused by lack of time and a desire to answer only more challenging questions....
Anyhow, I have noticed that I may be overkilling the questions with solutions that are too complex(not really though) for the askers to understand...or maybe it's my own fault; do I misinterpret a question?
Does the OP these days have to explicitly say: "I dont care how, I just need it working" or "any hack'd solutions are welcome" in order to answer? or should the OP be more clear with the question? Obviously, most of the time the OP does not have a clue about what to expect as an answer which is even more difficult for the answerer to judge the range of the OP's current skills...
Sometimes after putting in the time to research and answer you may find the OP thanking you for the effort but not having a clue about what you just explained to him.
Help-center's "How do I write a good answer" just doesn't do for me... It's too generalised, it does not really teach you to answer or tell you how and when...
"...Should or shouldn't I really care about the OP?..."
I do not do it for the rep. When I am constructing my answer - I want any future reader to be able to understand and adopt the answer/solution. I am not here just to satisfy the OP, I am here because I want the answer to help multiple people. Ha, it feels like I have just answered my own question with the last sentence, but in reality how useful is a complex answer going to be to the future reader? Is this predictable? Should I just stop overkilling and force people to take "No, you can't do that!" for an answer?
linked-question: wasn't aware before answering that the OP was thinking VBA = VB.NET and claiming(yeah, ranting...) he should work for MS with his great ideas, lol
for an answer what is the point of such a question hanging around SO?for each step -1
is possible before giving a full solution. Anyhow, since i got some upvotes I guess there are people who found both the question and the answer useful.