As most are aware, we are limited to 5 standard migration paths. The current migration paths are:

  • Meta Stack Overflow
  • Super User
  • Tex
  • DBA
  • Sharepoint

If users want to migrate to another site, they have to use a custom flag which can sit in the review queue for extended periods of time before being acted on.

Lately, I've noticed that we have been getting a significant number of custom flags requesting for items to be migrated to CrossValidated. A previous request to add CrossValidated was declined, but after looking at the migration stats for the past 90 days, I think we might need to reconsider.

Over the past 90 days, we have migrated a total of 11 questions to the Sharepoint site, which makes me wonder if it should still be included as standard migration path. The top sites with migrations for the past 90 days are below:

enter image description here

While not as many migrations as the other top sites, CrossValidated placed in the Top 5. By adding this site as a standard option it would send these to close vote queue for community review and it would remove the need for many of the custom flags that moderators to process.

Can we reevaluate the sites included in the standard migration path and possibly include CrossValidated?

  • 15
    32% rejected. .. stop migrations to meta: ) Commented Jun 20, 2014 at 0:58
  • 13
    I've sometimes wondered why that list isn't just dynamically set based on recent migrations so it can automatically adjust to changes like these.
    – joran
    Commented Jun 20, 2014 at 1:40
  • 3
    @joran It would probably be confusing if if changed too often. We still occasionally get flags asking where the migration options for Programmers and Server Fault went. Commented Jun 20, 2014 at 2:56
  • 8
    I'd like to see a per-user dynamic list. I have multiple times flagged for a move to codereview, but never voted to migrate to any of those top-5 sites.
    – Bergi
    Commented Jun 20, 2014 at 3:18
  • 22
    What I don't understand is why the list can't include every site on the stackexchange network.
    – zzzzBov
    Commented Jun 20, 2014 at 3:45
  • 12
    @BilltheLizard Seems that could be addressed with some simple UI changes: "The following are the five most common migration destinations over the previous 90 days. If you do not see the site you believe this Q belongs on, indicate it using the Other option.", and add a custom close reason option at the bottom just like there is on the previous screen.
    – joran
    Commented Jun 20, 2014 at 3:45
  • 8
    Code Review and Programmers are SE sites about programming and yet we want to add a statistics site to the list? Seems like we are missing some rather important ones as it stands... Commented Jun 20, 2014 at 4:20
  • 1
    Though they may have crept up the list there is no way the community is going to get this one right...
    – Ben
    Commented Jun 20, 2014 at 5:16
  • 5
    @Bradley The apparent similarity of Code Review and Programmers actually causes more problems. A while back, Programmers specifically asked to be removed from our list of unlocked migration destinations because many Stack Overflow users were using it as their garbage dump for bad questions. I'm not sure if Code Review ever did, but they probably would have eventually. There's less risk of that for a statistics site. It is more obvious which questions do and do not belong.
    – Cody Gray Mod
    Commented Jun 20, 2014 at 6:18
  • 2
    @joran: Indeed. Why not just a free-text search to search the site to migrate to? Commented Jun 20, 2014 at 8:05
  • 2
    I asked for this previously, so I would love to see it. But the idea of dynamic migration based on tags was also debated on the old meta site quite a bit: meta.stackexchange.com/questions/68022/…
    – Thomas
    Commented Jun 20, 2014 at 8:26
  • 8
    The 5 most common migration paths are the 5 most accessible options (i.e. no custom flag required). Call me crazy but this is a major confounder of your migration path metrics. The 5 most accessible options will always continue to be the most used. Commented Jun 20, 2014 at 9:40
  • 3
    @SimonO'Hanlon While I agree with your statement, however when we have Sharepoint as a standard migration and it's not being used, maybe it's time to reconsider that last standard option.
    – Taryn
    Commented Jun 20, 2014 at 11:03
  • 16
    @SimonO'Hanlon Cross Validated isn't on the convenient-five list but it is in the top five for migrations in past 90 days. Conversely Sharepoint is on the convenient-five list but not in the top 5 sites of past 3 months. I agree with your general point of course, but it seems Cross Validated is bucking that, lending more support to the question at hand. Commented Jun 20, 2014 at 15:42
  • 5
    I think instead of having this kind of question every now and then (there are other "reconsider migration path list" questions) we should settle on a metric to determine the list, and implement it. E.g. "top 5 migrated/request within last 100 days, recalculated every sunday"
    – PlasmaHH
    Commented Jun 20, 2014 at 22:23

5 Answers 5


I am a regular user/contributor to both [so] and [stats.se] and am probably responsible for some of the migrations from [so] to [stats.se] for questions in the tag. (Likewise I've probably contributed to flow of questions coming the other way.) There has been a lot of discussion on [stats.se] about what is/is not on topic there as regards software-related questions that happen to be for statistical software, like R. I now think the regular [stats.se] users have a pretty good handle on this, although the reject rate of CV -> SO migrations could do with being reduced. Likewise, certainly as far as the [so] tag goes, I think we have a good group of high-rep users that are familiar with both sites and know when a question is ripe for migration or not.

This is by way of introduction; tl;dr; I'm biased :-)

I support this suggested change. It would make my life easier, and the lives of other users in easier too if we had an easier way to move questions to the most appropriate related site. It seems clear that this would reduce some of the load from the Moderators here and at an approximate rate of 55 questions per 90 days isn't going to overly burden the Mods on [stats.se].

I don't think it is sensible to retain an option to migrate to Sharepoint if that option is very rarely used.

If this feature-request is implemented, it would make sense to review the list at some interval; annually, biennially? As the SE network changes and evolves, and as the popularity of particular software wax and wane it would make sense to review the top-five list if changes are going to be made to the list in the first place.

My one caveat is that it would be nice to have more detailed information on trajectories in these migration stats; migrations SO -> CV may be high in this quarter but on the decline (I don't know but could CV have been higher in the list previously) or this could just be a blip related to some high-profile MOOCs focussed on R and Statistics having taken place in the past 6 months. If this were the case we wouldn't want to update the list to include CV.


I'm very active on Cross Validated and somewhat (but much less) active on Stack Overflow on the tag. I have flagged questions to be migrated to CV from SO, and may well have been responsible for some of the flags you've gotten.

I generally support this proposed change and agree with the points made by @GavinSimpson (in fact, I asked on meta.SE for this change a year ago: No option in 'flag -> close -> off-topic -> belongs elsewhere' for migrate to stats.SE). He and the other high-rep SO:r users have exercised good judgment on this issue. I would think adding the close option would make this task easier for them.

@CodyGray also raises good points about the knowledge / ability of regular SO users to determine the appropriateness of such migrations. People can skip or filter out such cases, but I suppose the concern is that not all SO close queue reviewers are as self-aware and conscientious. I can make two points here:

  1. We have a very active group of reviewers on CV. We would not be overly troubled by ~55 inappropriate migrations per 90 days, if we got some. That is only about 1 every other day, and I suspect most of the migrations are appropriate anyway (as noted above).
  2. I'm guessing the potential problem is more that people without the requisite knowledge would be inappropriately flagging in the first place if the option were provided and the floodgates were opened. In light of that concern, I think @Bergi's comment is excellent: If it is possible, it would be best to have the options list be dynamic so that the option to migrate to CV shows up for those who have successfully flagged a few times before. On the other hand, I wonder how much trouble this would be for SE's developers, but I think we'd be OK even if this can't be done.
  • Why not give people with some amount of rep the option to migrate?
    – IRTFM
    Commented Oct 22, 2014 at 2:47

I answer statistics-related questions on SO and often enough the questions are not about programming but rather more conceptual. It would make everybody happier to migrate those questions to CrossValidated, so I'm absolutely in support of this proposal.


I'm not necessarily saying I disagree with this, just thinking out loud…

Right now, since the path isn't unlocked for normal users, all of those migrations to Cross Validated are triggered exclusively by moderators. I realize you guys can't and aren't expected to be experts on what is on topic for every other site in the Stack Exchange universe, and a 5% rejection index isn't half bad, but you're proposing opening this route up to the community at large… A community that has proven itself a terrible judge of which questions are worthy of migrating.

I'm concerned that may not be such a good idea. Since I can't see this data, I'll just have to ask: of the questions that you guys have had flagged to be migrated to Cross Validated, how many of those flags have you accepted and gone ahead with the migration? And how many were on questions that should have just been deleted?

And even those statistics will only tell us about the track record of users savvy enough to raise a custom flag requesting migration. What about the masses in the review queue—especially users who just earned the close vote privilege and are still learning the ropes?

I'm a prolific close voter, but I don't think I've ever been to Cross Validated. The only thing I know about it is that it's a site for statistics questions. That's nowhere near enough knowledge for me to be voting to migrate questions there. How many Stack Overflow users are also active on Cross Validated and/or likely to be familiar with their guidelines for what is on topic? If the barrier to migration remains high, people will be more likely to go and read their Help Center pages. If it's listed right there in the close dialog with a short, simple summary, and you see anything vaguely statistical—clicky clicky.

If we did do it, I think we definitely need to get concurrence from the Cross Validated moderators. Maybe one of you mods can ping them and ask them to check out this question (if you haven't already)?

  • 8
    Many of the migrations to CV probably occured in tags of languages mainly used by statisticians, in particular R. Would it be possible to have the migration paths depend on the tags? I know that the R community has asked to have CV included in this list before (and repeatedly?).
    – Roland
    Commented Jun 20, 2014 at 7:33
  • @Roland The migration is already dependent on tags in the sense that at least one tag must exist also in the target site. (What is migration and how does it work?] Is this enough or what should be done? Commented Jun 20, 2014 at 7:50
  • 1
    @Trilarion I don't think this is enough in this case, because there are, e.g., c++ and java tags on CV. And I don't trust the java community as much as the r community to get this right, i.e., to judge quality standards correctly.
    – Roland
    Commented Jun 20, 2014 at 7:55
  • @Roland But this rather means that tags are probably not so relevant for determining migration suitability when there are c++ and java tags on CV but they aren't used really for a lot of programming. Then I would rather not make migration paths dependent on tags? Or how should it look like? Commented Jun 20, 2014 at 7:59
  • 2
    I mean include CV in the list for some specialized SO tags (r, python, ..., look at the migration statistics), but not in general. Or even better, have custom made migration paths for the large SO tags (when they are the primary tag of a question) and a default for smaller tags.
    – Roland
    Commented Jun 20, 2014 at 8:03
  • 6
    I'm pretty selective when it comes to sending questions to CV, the first thing I always do before accepting a migration is check the rep of the user flagging on the target site. More times than not, the flags I'm reviewing are from established users on CV who know the content and know these questions fit there. My reason for starting this conversation was two-fold - CV seems to get a large number of flags and Sharepoint migrations aren't being used - maybe it's time to reconsider what we have in that last spot.
    – Taryn
    Commented Jun 20, 2014 at 11:00

I mostly agree with this, with one major reservation.

I don't know that I feel like there is still a really good understanding of when a question goes on CV and when it goes on SO for questions about "How do you use [statistical language] to do [x]". My primary tag is , and I tend to disagree with about half of the migrations to SO from CV. Not because they're not exactly programming questions, but they're questions that would require understanding some degree of statistics to answer. I only have limited proficiency in R and thus don't read that tag as much (and that's certainly where the bulk of this would go), so perhaps in R it's more clear - or just the user community is so much larger that it's something that size takes care of - but I'd want to be totally sure we have a good understanding of what question goes where.

This is things like "How do I find the standard deviation of a number in SAS". Yes, that's sort of a programming question, but it's also a statistics question, and often it requires some of both to answer. While that particular one is fine in either site I imagine, more complex ones involving finding particular models and such seem more statistical in nature, but sometimes come over here for whatever reason just to be rejected back. (I would give examples, but I don't think you can search for migrations from other sites.) I would be concerned that we'd end up having too many bit-of-statistics-lot-of-programming questions possibly going over there if this were added.

  • 1
    This question is about migration from SO to CV. You mainly seem to discuss the other way around.
    – Roland
    Commented Jun 23, 2014 at 10:57

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