This suggested edit was rejected as not substantive enough. You missed issues with the post that should have been edited beyond the simple removing of Hi and thanks.
The last reviewer also chose the 'improve' option, and unchecked the 'helpful' box when they did so. They then fixed the other issues with the post.
Try and make your edit count, and not just make a minor edit removing the low-hanging fruit.
Note that when a reviewer uses the improve option, they don't get extra credit over the review itself (other than another edit count towards edit-related badges). A reviewer doesn't get reputation for the edit. The editor instead is opting for the warm glow of having improved the site.
The site specifically allows for a suggested edit to be improved, including marking the original suggested edit as not helpful. This is not stealing. However, if you see a suggested edit that was substantial and was subsequently rejected through an improve action with the 'helpful' checkbox unmarked with little to no actual improvement beyond the edit, you can flag that edit for moderator attention. 99 out of 100 times however, such cases are honest mistakes, as the editor doesn't gain anything substantive from this behaviour.
In fact, due to the speed that the suggested edits queue on Stack Overflow is processed, most editors don't bother with the 'improve' option as the edit will already have been rejected or accepted by the time they are done with editing. There is a high chance their work is for naught, so most reviewers don't bother.