Edit: Summary of Question and Answer for Speed-Readers: @animuson cracked the mystery, but the gritty details are in the comments so I'll bring them up to the surface. You know the 30-day rolling score
you see on the users page of any tag, like this one? I had assumed that the score was from taking all upvotes - downvotes
that took place in the last 30 days on any answer we posted anytime. It turns out that we are taking all upvotes - downvotes
that took place in the last 30 days on any answer we posted in the last 30 days! Nothing wrong with that, just a nice mystery to solve. Thanks to both @animuson and @icktoofay.
The Question
To clarify, this is not a question about a drop in reputation, but about an unusual drop in the score on a tag page—I have read questions such as sudden rep drop and seen the rep recap page, and have no issues with my rep.
I am confused!... On a tag's 30-day score page, my score dropped from 325 yesterday to 254 today, when I expected it to go up by about 15 (added a 200 day, removed a 40 day). Those 80 missing score points are a discrepancy that would correspond to about 800 reputation points, though, thankfully, it's only reflected in that tag's 30-day score, as the rep itself hasn't done anything weird.
Since my rep hasn't dropped, that doesn't seem to add up... unless overnight, the tag was removed from a lot of the questions I answered... But that doesn't seem to be the case.
It's not the end of the world, points come and go... And 30 days from now, it will be a whole new score, so in the grand scheme of things.... But I am curious to understand how it all works.
Would appreciate any insights! Thanks! :)