Here is a scenario that makes the feature make sense as-is.
I am browsing along my favorite tag (google-visualization). I come across a bad question. Now usually I'd edit it, but I don't have time. So I vote to close, toss on a downvote, and go to my "Make millions by starting a Mung Bean farm" seminar. When I come back, I see that the post is still in awful shape, but because my favorite tag is not frequented so often, I still have the only vote, and nobody else has helped me with the closing.
Since I'm all excited about being able to quit my day job due to my newfound career in Mung Bean farming, I sit down and edit that post in to shape. I realize after the edit that the post really isn't bad, it just needed some love, and I really want to know the answer. So I reverse that downvote and retract my close vote, and start creating my dashboard application to monitor my Mung Bean growing process with my newfound knowledge.
This is good, and we should encourage it.