A poor question gets asked, I downvote and leave a comment explaining the down-vote along the lines of "-1 as this has been asked many times before and you haven't tried anything". The comment receives several upvotes as the question quickly gathers 4 downvotes
Some time later, I revisit this question when posting to this meta thread. The comment is gone, so I add it back in with similar words
Today I look again, and the comment is gone a second time.
What gives?
The comment explains a downvote to a poor question, and it is certainly not:
- not constructive
- obsolete
- too chatty
- other
And given this has been written as a plain factual statement, it is drawing a very long bow for a moderator to twice have agreed with someone - I can guess who - that is is "rude or offensive".
People ofte gripe as to why they have been downvoted, I would have thought given a reason should be encouraged rather than discouraged.
Any ideas/comments as to why would this have been removed? I promise not to flag any comments I don't like for removal .........