Today, someone asked where they could find official documentation for the Swift runtime. The question was quickly downvoted and judged too broad (because it asked for too many things) and/or off-topic (because it asked for off-site resources).
I disagree with both, and here's why.
I don't believe that the question was particularly broad. It asked for just one very specific thing: the documentation of the Swift runtime. This documentation exists for Apple's Objective-C runtime, and OP is very clearly asking for the Swift equivalent. To "follow the rule" as outlined by detractors, the asker should have split his question into half a dozen questions:
- How does method dispatch work in the Swift language?
- How can I dynamically find the layout of a Swift class?
- How can I dynamically add methods to a Swift class?
- etc.
These questions are only helpful to people who need to do interop with the language (or want to poke around), and these people are unlikely to need just one of the resources. In fact, the answer to all of these questions would probably be a single link to the official Swift documentation. This is different from, say, someone asking how to format a date in C# and someone referring them to the root of MSDN: you don't need to understand the whole Microsoft ecosystem to be able to format a date in C#. You don't even really need to understand how dates work. However, to do interop with a language, you need to understand the language's runtime.
For this reason, I do not believe that the question was "too broad".
A detractor argued that questions that ask for "favorite off-site resources" are off-topic. I do not like how it has been interpreted for this question. This rule was implemented years ago to stop questions like "what is the best site to learn C++?", which were open-ended questions that could attract hundreds of answers, with no definitive one. Asking for the official documentation isn't an open-ended question: there would be just one good, definitive answer.
Which brings us to what I think is the biggest issue: this question can only be negatively answered. The appropriate documentation hasn't been released. In my opinion, the fact that a question can't be answered doesn't automatically make it bad. There are several kinds of bad questions that can't be answered:
- Questions that are too broad ("How do I create a compiler from scratch?"). These are bad because there are too many approaches to solve the problem, with different tradeoffs. An answer that satisfies the asker's needs may not satisfy the needs of the next person visiting it.
- Questions that don't make sense ("How can I prevent an exception from being thrown in Java when I use a method on a null pointer?"). These are posted by people without an understanding of the technologies they are using, and there is no other good answer than "you need to learn how it works".
However, especially when dealing with closed-source technologies, there are good questions that genuinely can't be answered, simply because the answer is not available to the general public. This doesn't make them bad questions, and if anything it's more a problem with the technology than with the question itself. People ask questions all the time about open source software that you couldn't answer if it was closed source.
In my opinion, this question was closed because of answerer cynicism: "I can't answer this, and therefore this question is bad". Which I find unfortunate, because OP did a decent amount of research before asking: he claims he read the official Swift book, watched the WWDC videos, searched for source code, and only then, turned to Stack Overflow. He apparently did his homework before asking, and it only so happened that the question doesn't have a public answer.
This is not the same as asking for customer support. The decision of releasing source code or documentation may entirely rest in the hands of Apple, but without knowing that this documentation simply hadn't been released, OP shouldn't be blamed for not immediately turning to Apple. OP had good reasons to believe that this could be available somewhere: as mentioned very early in this post, the same documentation exists for the Objective-C language.
So, what should be done with questions that ask for resources that don't exist? Is it acceptable to let them live, or should they be closed as off-topic/too broad?