I am tired of seeing a question from user1234567
answered by user8901234
and user5678901
, all with indistinguishable avatars
I can imagine the problem that this system is supposed to resolve: presumably we want to encourage anyone to make a contribution, even if they aren't creative enough to concieve an image and a title that evokes their own character.
Perhaps Stack Overflow has grown a long way beyond the initial concept, but one of the more valuable experiences to me now is that I recognise - for better or for worse - the names that I see in the discussions.
It may be enough that users with auto-generated names and icons already feel some pressure to upgrade with things as they are now: I really can't tell. But couldn't we mark a user reaching the 10K reputation graduation point by requiring them to invent a name for themselves? That way the pressure of already-used names is relieved while regular contributors become recognisable.
some code
' answers) are ones from someone who has shown an investment in belonging to the site and returning. The name is the first pass that I use for that filter.