The question What's the difference between delete[] arr and deleting elements in a loop was closed as off-topic:
This question was caused by a problem that can no longer be reproduced or a simple typographical error. While similar questions may be on-topic here, this one was resolved in a manner unlikely to help future readers. This can often be avoided by identifying and closely inspecting the shortest program necessary to reproduce the problem before posting.
It is on-topic (pretty clear IMHO; if I am wrong, feel free to tell me).
It should be closed, but only as a duplicate of delete vs delete[] operators in C++. This will be much more helpful to future visitors if the question.
I could vote to reopen and then vote to close as a duplicate, but I'm not sure that would work, because other reviewers might know that it should be kept closed, which is should because it is a duplicate.
Is this (closing for a different reason) something I can/should flag for moderator attention?