If it is bad depends on what you delete. If it is only negative scored, non-accepted posts you'll be out of trouble (unless you're in or close to a question or answer ban) but deleting posts that are accepted or have a high score might be a case of destroying valuable content. That can be reversed by undelete votes from users with delete vote privileges.
Remember that you are already limited to only delete 5 answers per day as explained in the answer from Bart
In some cases your delete actions raise a moderator flag. The system detects certain delete behavior (upvoted posts, accepted answers) so a moderator can step in to prevent any loss of quality posts due to rage quits or other cases of abuse or mishaps.
If you are close to question or answer ban (a warning is shown when you post something) deleting negatively scored posts might bring you quicker to the ban.
The purpose of Stack Overflow is to be a repository of quality questions and answers. If you feel you need to delete posts often go ask yourself if you should have posted at all.
Putting effort in editing your posts into shape is preferred above deleting and starting over.