In the iOS-tag there are often questions of the form "i do this - and it crashes", without a backtrace and without a proper error message.
Recently, I added a paragraph to the tag wiki that says:
Please follow the article My App crashed. Now what? by Ray Wenderlich, before posting any questions relating to app crashes. It explains how to properly debug an iOS-App. It's pointless to ask questions relating to crashes when you don't have a proper backtrace and exception message.
and it was approved. What should I do with low-quality questions about such crashes? Downvote? Flag? If I should flag it, which flag? it's certainly not a duplicate, because there are 100000000 reasons for a crash, only the cure is always the same on iOS: 1) create an exception breakpoint 2) run the program 3) let it crash 4) read the error message 5) think. Point 1) is the most important point, and the one that is usually missing.
I'm not saying that all questions about crashes are bad. If you have a proper backtrace and you can point to the exact place where the crash happened, and if you have a crash message different from "it crashed in main.m, line 12", then it's okay. but these questions usually don't happen, because if you know the line where the exception is thrown, and if you can comprehend the wording of the exception message, it is usually trivial to fix it. for the rare cases where it isn't a trivial fix, it's okay to ask a question on SO...