Until about two weeks ago, the dreaded close vote queue was shrinking steadily, until it bottomed out at about 7000 (I once observed 6.7k just after midnight). But ever since it has been on the rise again, or at least not made any further downward progress.
I don't fully understand the current system (explanations welcome, I think I heard something about auto expirations, but I'm also seeing questions in the queue that have no close votes at all). However, I'd like to make an appeal to allow us to continue to reduce the queue size until it is actually zero. Then we can trickle more review items back into it.
My reasoning is the same as ever: there is a significant psychological factor involved in motivating people to participate. If you feel that you're making a change, you'll participate gladly, but if you make no impact, you're probably not going to bother.
Just me personally, I started exhausting my 40 vote limit (and have been every day since) when I saw the queue was shrinking a few weeks ago. But now I'm going to stop doing that, since it just makes me feel bad to spend that time. I'll still gladly review edits and low-quality posts, but even though I know that it's The Right Thing, I just feel a bit silly sisyphusing away at the close vote queue.