There are cases where something may be offensive to some but it's unavoidable.
There is both a language and a Linux Kernel module called Brainfuck.
- Personally, if someone is offended by this phrase I would say tough luck. That being said, it's not very popular and most exercises in it are academic anyway.
Someone could make a language called Hitler
- It could call objects Jews.
- It could have collections be called ConcentrationCamps
- Its garbage collector could be the Auschwitz 3.0 library
- Insert any number of tasteless and offensive gimmicks here
This would be absolutely terrible, and it would be very difficult to take someone who wrote this language seriously. If someone did implement a language like this, I would not expect it to last long simply because of how people felt.
If I knew how to use the tool, and someone asked a question about it, I would answer the question because I'm sure the poor soul who is forced to use it at work (or whatever) is enjoying it as little as anyone else. But seriously, someone would make a clone of it with better phrasing. I would never expect this to actually happen, especially with something as inflammatory as WWII, but I could see other potentially offensive things (especially considering culture barriers).
I would support these questions as one professional trying to help another professional. I would not feel the need to voice my support or dissent regarding the person using such a library (at least, on account of its name). I trust the person on the other end to use the right tool for the job. If I suggest a different tool, it is because I think that tool can get the job done better, not because its syntax is less offensive.
There actually is a library called Axis.
It's a bit outdated now, not having been updated in years, and there just being better options on the market. Officially, it stands for "Apache eXtensible Interaction System" but I suspect many people immediately think of the Axis Powers when they hear the word. No one has any problem supporting this unfortunately named library (at least, they don't have a problem on account of its name... personally I've always hated working with it, but that's just a matter of personal taste.)
The moral of the story is if the offensive material is beyond your control, you should not feel ashamed or embarrassed about it. Words are words, and we're all adults here. If you can avoid offending people, you probably should. The strings mentioned are a prime example of this. There are an infinite number of valid sentences to use, and if you're still in doubt about those, there's always "foo bar baz" at your disposal.
with a literalNSString
. My eyes!