A certain user is adding is adding the qt-signals tag to many questions to which it does not apply:
- Interesting task of the processes in Qt
- Using multiple Ui's and Ui classes in Qt?
- Q_ENUMS are "undefined" in QML?
- Referring to a predefined QMediaPlayer
- No matching function to call - compiler says I call (QObject *&) when call is (QObject *)
- QLocalServer won't start an incoming connection
- Trouble in reading from Serial port using QSerialPort
- What is the significance of Q_PROPERTY in Qt?
- Qt client - connect to C server
- QT NetworkAccessManager Unknown Error
- Show another ui file on button click
- How to detect Windows shutdown or logoff in Qt
None of these are about the signals and slots mechanism in Qt, and few of them even mention signals or slots at all.
I think questions like these are examples of where the tag is appropriate:
- Are signals and slots syntactic sugar or there is more to them?
- Using Signals/Slots to avoid circular dependencies?
- Qt: Return value of signal works, why is the official doc saying it is impossible / forbidden?
Feeling the tag was inappropriate, I removed it from this question. He added it back saying "please do not remove important tags" and "you do realize that the solution as well as the question is primarily about qt signals and slots".
I find two issues with this:
- The question is definitely not about signals and slots. It is about QProcess and how to accomplish something with it. The fact that the answer happens to involve signals and slots is incidental. If every Qt post where the question or answer happens to mention "signal" or "slot" were to be tagged this way, the tag would be diluted.
- Per https://stackoverflow.com/help/tagging, tags are specifically for question content, not answers.
How do we resolve this without getting into an edit war?