TLDR: Code including foreign-language variable names or comments indicates low effort on the part of the asker. Feel free to downvote; however, leaving a comment may help them understand the problem and improve their post.
I disagree with the other answers given here – I don't think we need to accept this kind of code; we can and should downvote such questions.
Ours is an English-language site; we require questions to be asked in English. If a user knows enough English to ask in English or translate their question, clearly they can be expected to use meaningful English variable names. I have also seen posts with foreign-language comments in the code; these are basically just noise since we don't expect our readers to understand them. In my opinion, they should be translated or deleted.
Generally, we frown upon users simply dumping their code into a question; we require them to reduce the code to the parts relevant to the question. So if we require them to make this effort, surely they can go a little further and rename a few variables?
Reading this reminded me of this question where a user posted code that was golfed and therefore hard to read. In my mind, anything that hinders us from easily understanding the code posted is their responsibility to clean up before they post it.
That means:
- Reduce your code as much as possible while including all the relevant parts (if you have created an MCVE, you have already got that covered)
- Format your code properly (no golfing)
- Use meaningful variable names, that means naming your variables in English
- Remove any comments that are not intended for the audience and consider adding some that are (that means no foreign-language comments)
All these are things you do to facilitate potential answerers to understand the questions with minimal effort on their part. Generally, the burden to do this lies with the asker; if you are feeling particularly helpful, feel free to edit their post to reflect this.
Questions asked without making this effort are essentially wasting the time of volunteers who should focus on answering questions, not trying to make sense of badly asked questions. That is worth a downvote, IMHO. That said, no one is stopping you from still answering these questions.
)? Or typos? I'd say there's no reason to touch code at all so long as the rest of the question is in English.