After browsing the site for a while, the only reason I have seen to reject correct but too minor suggested edits is to discourage the not-very-helpful editors. The edits are still helpful, but not helpful enough, so they are rejected to not encourage the editor with a reputation reward. This doesn't make sense to me; any suggested edits that are the slightest bit helpful should still be approved.
Why don't we just approve minor edits, but not give the editor reputation? That way, most helpful suggested edits get approved, but users aren't encouraged to continue making minor suggested edits.
An example of a way I can see this happening is when someone click approve, this happens:
- Yes: +1 minor vote
- No: -1 minor vote
- Maybe: +0 minor votes
if minor_votes > 1: rep_gain = 0
else if minor_votes < -1: rep_gain = 2
else: rep_gain = 1
But that's just a possibility.