The recent discussion on downvoting grabbed my attention, as I'm very stringent about downvoting even a malformed question. That question gave me a lot of thought on this matter, but a similar question on upvoting might also need additional attention.
First, the tooltip for upvoting says "shows research effort, useful and clear". What kind of "AND" is this one? I see many questions on SO that don't show any research efforts, but are indeed clear and probably useful to other questioneers, as that question has an easily googlable title and/or body. I see that those questions that show research efforts, but are formulated as a decent heap of data, don't get any upvotes or only get a few, because of TL;DR effect that stops people from determining the question's worthiness or clarity. Sometimes question do need to have all the data included in them to nail the problem.
Second, is it appropriate to upvote a question in a "me-too" situation, even if that question is say a duplicate, possible duplicate, a malformed or otherwise unclear one, but you personally understand that the question is what you'd ask, and you need the answer on it?
Third, there are also "emotional" upvotes aka "likes" on questions that otherwise don't deserve an upvote, as they are only funny, but not showing research effort, clear or useful. Are these votes valid on SO?