I propose that Stack Overflow creates a new tag for moderators to mark opinion-based questions instead of putting them on hold. My arguments in favor of such tag are the following:
Opinion-based questions tend to capture the experiences of several people regarding one subject in a single place, which contrasts with reading about such subject in dispersed web pages without a formal review/vote system like that of Stack Overflow
Such questions would not be put on hold or closed by a few members when it is the case that other members like the question (the tag would avoid fruitless discussions about the reasons to put on hold).
With such a tag, it will be easy for those who do not like opinion-based questions to ignore them, and others to contribute at will.
The vote system already in place will help to determine the quality of the discussion around an opinion-based question.
I would like Stack Overflow to consider the addition of this tag, or some other mechanism to highlight opinion-based questions, instead of barring the rich answers and discussion they can get generate.