I saw one of the top users of SO, BalusC's profile. It read:
I'm not that active here anymore as I'd like to be. I'll answer OmniFaces-related questions though and likely also a really interesting JSF-related question which is not been answered before. The remainder only if it has a bounty. Yes, for that YOU need to earn reputation first. You deserve what you give.
But remember: if the question in question needs severe editing, or got a bad (suggested) edit, I am not going to fix and answer it anymore. Both Stack Exchange as company and Stack Overflow as community namely doesn't seem to bother about the quality of the posts anymore lately. I was mentally absent for a couple of months and came back in JSF tag only to find a huge mess of low quality questions with a doubled up unanswered rate. "You deserve what you give" also applies to the company and community here.
If you want to give yourself (and Stack Overflow) a chance, here are some hints:
Things which scare me are:
- Bad titles (don't use tags and subjective-/argumentativeness in titles)
- Irrelevant tags (is it a Java or JSF or JPA or CSS or JS problem?)
- Disrespectful punctuation and spelling (I don't care about grammar tho)
- Formatting non-code as code ("JSF" and "PrimeFaces" are NOT code)
- Irrelevant code in snippets (is that style attribute absolutely relevant?)
- Unreadable code (use English variable names and love indentation)
Note: I have a full time job as co-founder and main frontend developer and therefore I am not available for off-site consultancy, so please don't try to contact me directly about that as well. Everything will end up as junk. Just use Stack Overflow the way it deserves and you'll eventually deserve it.
It shows in what direction SO is heading to.
We, should really take some steps to improve the SO and bring back it to its glorious past.
After reading that, I myself felt, whether am I doing it right to contribute to SO?
Really we should take time to fix this issue. Stack Overflow as a company with large number of users (many of them just under 100 reps) and boastful statistics (of which only some questions and answers are really genuine and helpful) can bring profit, but it is definitely bad for the community.
One, user has almost stopped contributing, then another will and so on..
So, as said in the title,
Do something to save SO for good!!!
My Suggestions:
"Questions that may already have your answer", algorithm must be made strong and if that list contains at least 5 answered and/or accepted questions, then the question shouldn't be allowed to be posted.
Users must be made to answer a few questions which every programmer should know to answer. It must be general. And if he passes that, only then he/she should be allowed to have an account of SO.
Weightage of the close votes must be increased based on reps of a user. Vote of less than 5000 rep user has to be taken as 1 vote, greater than 10000 reps must be taken as 2 votes. Trusted users are trusted and their vote should be counted as 3 votes. The total votes to close the question must remain same however.