No, please don't.
I won't pretend I know for sure what Stack Overflow staff's motives are for this, but I will wholehearteadly disagree with whatever gets more attention to posts being downvoted.
People already react pretty badly to downvotes, and I don't think that having a red icon show up would help with that at all, be it only with the negative feedback emotion (in opposition to the positive feedback we get when seeing a green notification).
You can already see which of your posts were downvoted in the notification bar. If one's goal truly is to improve their posts, they can already do so by reading that.
On another topic, people, especially newcomers, go around witch hunting when they get downvoted. They often blame it on whoever had the mis-chance of commenting around the moment they see a downvote.
I would prefer not to draw even more attention to the downvotes.
On posts tagged feature-request, voting indicates agreement or disagreement with the proposed change rather than just the quality or usefulness of the post itself.