Why doesn't Stack Overflow welcome discussable questions or questions that require opinions?
I think these types of questions may also be beneficial like the coding questions.
Why doesn't Stack Overflow welcome discussable questions or questions that require opinions?
I think these types of questions may also be beneficial like the coding questions.
Because such questions are less likely to reach any conclusion or solution!
Stack Overflow is meant for providing solutions to realtime problems but not the never ending discussions.
Questions like "Is Java better than C#?" or "Which is the best programming language?" are only a burden to the site, and not helpful to any extent what Stack Overflow is meant for.
The real value of a social network can be measured by the people that are inside it.
The SO gamification style attracts talents that want recognition. For many people, it's more relevant than LinkedIn.
See the answer above. The user earned more points from people supporting the answer than being chosen the best answer (not counting badges here).
To make SO work for discussions, it would be just a matter of removing the "right answer" and let people vote for the best opinion, roughly speaking.
I think SO should consider this idea, maybe in another Beta community.
Knowledge is not only answers.
I think that, as already said, the base of Stack Overflow is to provide the best answer possible to a specific issued question. That means that the discussion part is done just by the users answering with multiple solutions, and voting for the best one. Even if point-to-point, this could be interpreted as a form of discussion about a topic.
Added to this mechanism then there are comments that can be posted under each of the solutions provided, so there's a way to discuss everything related to relative answer to the question. These comments threads often creates long discussion about how the answer could be edited, adding more information or providing a better way to do things.
Having said this, maybe a "discussion" section could be useful to some extent, but how Stack Overflow is set is not like a forum, so I don't think we will see this section anytime in the future.