So let's think about this for a minute. What is it that you're trying to glean from the Stack Exchange network?
Note that I'm not trying to sound condescending, but I will be breaking your question down a bit.
Can we have a learning/brainstorming/discussions (basic newbie questions) site?
This sort of site seems orthogonal to the model that Stack Exchange is trying to promote.
This site is all about getting answers. It's not a discussion forum. There's no chit-chat.
It also depends on the nature of the community as well; Stack Overflow, Programmers, and Code Review (to a lesser extent) all cover some piece of the spectrum that you're after, but they do so in such a way that wide-open discussion is less favored as opposed to more verifiable, concrete answers.
As to your point of answers providing detailed information (i.e. why this is a good approach), or lack thereof, this is where votes come in. A user can upvote an answer that they feel is specifically useful to others, and downvote those that aren't. For the most part, when I do answer a question, I try not to just provide a blob of code and assume that the asker is smart enough to understand what the snippet is doing; I'd try to break it down. If you see answers that aren't useful, don't be afraid to downvote them; that's even what the tooltip says.
This will reduce the number of possible duplicates as most users try to find code specific answers as compared to concept dependent answers.
I don't believe this. First, I'm not sure I see duplicates as much of a problem anymore, thanks to binding votes for gold tag holders; second, the applicability of the answer depends on the problem being addressed. If it's an algorithm that would efficiently search a two-dimensional array for the highest value, then code-oriented answers may actively do more harm than good.
Community rules on SO are strict and still users post very silly questions (even I have when trying to understand a new concept).
Yes. The community is strict. So strict, that there are some times in which I've felt it a bit too unforgiving. That's actually a good thing, as this keeps the quality of questions and answers high. (And we still get our share of poor questions.)
I don't see how a brainstorming site would alleviate the strictness, either. You have to do something to prevent people from asking how they could build a forum (obviously a sizable undertaking), or brainstorming about their next awesome MMO*.
Have this site specifically for concept oriented, but code supported questions rather than code oriented questions.
Not having code in a question is not necessarily bad. Discussing abstract concepts...well, that probably is. But depending on the concept being discussed, an audience could be found at Programmers.
Site providing learning opportunities through discussions (please don't say "refer to the documentation").
So this is where it kind of comes apart for me. I can appreciate and respect that collaboration and discussion with those who know more can further one's knowledge greatly. I'm a private CS tutor, and this is pretty much what I do for a few hours on a weekend.
But, in my experience, both as a professional developer, a tutor, and a Stack Overflow addict back in my Junior year of college, you can't just learn from a website.
You have to try stuff.
Don't be afraid to break things. And yes, there are going to be times in which the documentation is your best friend, since no one else is going to bother reading the code or understanding the problem space you're in.
No site can supplement actual hard experimentation and self-discovery.
*: Reminds me of my college days; I had a buddy that raved on and on and on about it. He never did make his MMO, which is kind of a pity.