I'm seeing a rapid trend towards worse and worse question quality. It gets to the point where I'm asking myself "Why did I even help this guy? He neither has the will nor the capacity to understand the answer; I have just been wasting my time". That happens more and more often lately and is pretty frustrating.

It could be that this is the filter bubble effect of the tags I've chosen on my home page (mostly web development stuff). Maybe other topics aren't overrun by what I perceive as completely clueless people who ask the same basic questions again and again and again and can't be bothered with actively participating in getting their problem solved (searching, researching, posting their code, stating their intentions, listening to advice, and giving feedback).

I'm getting the feeling Stack Overflow has made a big step in the "Mechanical Turk for programming assignments" direction lately. It's always been something like that, but it's starting to get really bad now.

What's your view on the state of affairs in Stack Overflow - is your perception similar to mine? If yes, how are you dealing with it, other than retreating? If no, what do you do against creeping cynicism (because that's what really worries me here)?

  • 14
    Some of the answers to this question (though it's not the same question) is quite relevant and worth a read - meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/251758/…. Personally, I do feel the quality is quite low of late. Commented Apr 28, 2014 at 11:58
  • 344
    You may be right, but it's worth keeping in mind that humans always perceive things to be getting worse, irrespective of if they are or not; I've filed a bug report. For example people believe society is getting more violent while actually we are living in the most peaceful time in human history Commented Apr 28, 2014 at 12:00
  • 19
    @RichardTingle Maybe it's not getting worse, but good questions are definitely few and far between - certainly in the web technologies sections. Commented Apr 28, 2014 at 12:06
  • 56
    @Richard, that's not a matter of the current generation wrongly perceiving the state of the previous generation. This phenomenon is pretty recent (I think it started 6 months ago as far as I am concerned). I'm active in several tags, and it really seems the average quality of the questions has gone from tolerable to ridiculous almost overnight (and is not getting back up). Commented Apr 28, 2014 at 13:10
  • 46
    Same experience with Java / Android. Personally I think it's ever since The Summer of Love where we decided we should be "nicer" ... with the last 6 months being a nightmare. Commented Apr 28, 2014 at 13:30
  • 30
    This reminds me of the "remember when 4chan was good" meme Commented Apr 28, 2014 at 15:25
  • 15
    In Python, even FAQs are not closed. It seems that a fresh perspective is needed every hour that a faq is posted.
    – devnull
    Commented Apr 28, 2014 at 16:07
  • 31
    When people do not remove their upvoted answer despite knowing that the answer is wrong, there is not much left to guess about the quality of the site.
    – devnull
    Commented Apr 28, 2014 at 16:41
  • 21
    Repwhores answer faqs and refuse to vote to close. Oh my! internet dollars. It's not because of the poor questions, but because of these repwhores that the quality of site is going down.
    – devnull
    Commented Apr 29, 2014 at 2:35
  • 20
    This is perfect response to Why is Stack Overflow so negative of late?
    – Satpal
    Commented Apr 29, 2014 at 3:26
  • 22
    I have to agree with @devnull. I've recently come back to the python tag and it is blowing my mind. There are even up-votes for questions that make no sense, wrong answers up-voted and selected, and a reluctance to answer to comments by clarifying questions/answers. I with my daily vote quota was higher. There may well be a correlation between bad quality and tag popularity, reflected in the rise of popularity of SO as a whole. Commented Apr 29, 2014 at 6:15
  • 81
    Throwing in my $0.02 here, but I think the problem is that SO is perceived as a first line of enquiry by people. I'm still fairly new to SE as my (cough totally meaningless) rep indicates, but in my question tags I'm consistently seeing the same type of I don't really understand what I'm doing, fix my code questions. The code in question is totally devoid of any kind of knowledge about the architecture in which it is going to be deployed. Am I to understand that I should just keep linking to the basic documentation for these people?
    – JamesENL
    Commented Apr 29, 2014 at 8:10
  • 9
    @Izkata, yes, it might be our own September That Never Ended. We still would have to determine what has changed last year, though. It's not like AOL has started to serve Stack Overflow as their default portal. Wait... Commented Apr 29, 2014 at 18:22
  • 29
    I shocked by the current Hot Qutestion. Is this reflecting the level of SO users? I mean this is just basic mathematics, has mathematics been dropped from programming course?
    – Bolu
    Commented Apr 30, 2014 at 13:37
  • 16
    @Bolu That question having more than 100 upvotes discourages me so much that I almost want to quit the site. If I didn't use it for asking questions of my own, I probably would.
    – durron597
    Commented May 2, 2014 at 18:26

50 Answers 50


I think, most of the users who make their firsts posts aren't aware of the basic concepts of how Stackoverflow should work. They are used to the general standard of most Internet forums, which tend to be spammy, flamy, and so on. They think, they can do the same here. On the other hand, lots of them are just coming here to exhaust and abuse the human resource of helping programmers on SO.

I keep this as a serious problem, and it should be treated the more complex way. I would set up the following strict regulations:

  1. Force users to make their first post only after completing a tutorial, which teaches them how to ask format questions correctly.
  2. Create a blackmark system and permanently ban some users.
  3. We should continue pointing out, that the question is of wrong quality, most likely because of the lack of research.
  4. Lots of previous questions should be deleted. And like every 10th to be kept. There is no need to analyse the same error message over and over again, if they add nothing. Useful comments regarding a specific topic should be merged.
  • 3
    All of these things are already being done. Users must confirm that they've read the "how to ask" page to post, there's a post ban system for users who only contribute negatively, we have downvotes, closing, and comments to provide feedback on posts that aren't of high quality, and questions can be deleted, either automatically or manually, when they meet certain criteria indicating that they are not valuable.
    – Servy
    Commented Apr 29, 2014 at 17:48
  • "Abuse" is too strong of a word. After all, nothing forces anyone to spend his/her somewhat limited intellectual resources on any particular question.
    – PM 77-1
    Commented Apr 29, 2014 at 18:54
  • 1
    @Servy I'm continuously running into redundant posts, the cleanup is not done yet. @PM_77-1 "Stackoverflow is for professional programmers.." as someone mentioned and is written on the index page. I'm saying, there should not be 10K questions about positioning <div> elements for example. Commented Apr 29, 2014 at 19:17
  • @RápliAndrás I'm not saying the site is perfect, I'm saying that all of your proposed changes already exist, so clearly those proposed changes, while they help, are not sufficient to solve this problem.
    – Servy
    Commented Apr 29, 2014 at 19:26
  • 1
    @Servy Confirming reading "how to ask" isn't the same as a tutorial. However, maybe a trivial quiz could be given and need to be passed? Basic quiz questions: "Choose the proper question title from this list..." or "Select versions of Windows (or Linux, Android, etc.,) you've used...". Requiring active responses might give a basis for setting any new user's required rep for asking questions. If a new user can't even recognize a Windows version, maybe a little added delay is called for. Commented Apr 30, 2014 at 11:39
  • @user2338816 Then you start getting into the area of pretty significant barriers in front of users, to the point of driving away good users who are willing and capable of being good participants, but who aren't interested in spending half an hour making a new account.
    – Servy
    Commented Apr 30, 2014 at 13:45
  • @Servy That should depend on how complex the questions are and how easy to answer. Choosing, for example, quality question subjects among "1. Urgent! Need help with error!!!", "2. Getting SQL4503N in DB2 9.7 on UPDATE" and "3. Subjects are subjective anyway" takes a couple seconds to read and a click of the mouse. If there are, say, three questions, it should add maybe 15 seconds to the process (for a "good participant"). Getting all three correct could confer immediate rep power to ask. Commented Apr 30, 2014 at 14:36
  • @user2338816 And how do you plan to generate all of those questions? What keeps them out of Google? How do you ensure all of the questions will be clear, correct, of appropriate difficulty, objective, etc.?
    – Servy
    Commented Apr 30, 2014 at 14:38
  • @Servy If found in a Google search, that already demonstrates willingness both to search ahead of time and to persevere through a "half hour" account set up. Aren't those two qualities being sought? As for generating the questions, that should take little more than a few comments in a thread like this one. Only a few questions would ever be needed. It doesn't have to be from a large question database and could potentially be a static list. Commented Apr 30, 2014 at 14:45
  • @user2338816 If it's a static list then just trying it several times whenever you mess up could easily pass the test without learning anything. If the results are showing up in google then you can get rid of a few people, possibly, but you're still not leaving yourself with a very high standard. Losing even a handful of good users would make it a net loss. For this to work there needs to be a very tight balance of hard enough that undesirable users can't get past it, but easy enough for good users to quickly and painlessly get through it. That's a very fine line to walk.
    – Servy
    Commented Apr 30, 2014 at 14:47
  • @Servy Theoretically, not a very fine line for participants in this very thread. The whole discussion centers on participants' ability to recognize good/appropriate questions. Either we can, which means we could come up with a half dozen questions in a few minutes, or we can't, which almost makes this thread moot. Commented Apr 30, 2014 at 14:56
  • I tend to believe that Stackoverflow is not the first resource found by most posters, and that they are more savvy to the use of the service though not the level of expertise in their midst. Hence, a vague question for professionals more liking to specific issues.
    – htm11h
    Commented May 13, 2014 at 17:40
  • Copypaste any error message, the first result is SO. Believe or not, there are people who never read the official documentation. Commented May 13, 2014 at 18:39
  • option #1 sounds like a great idea Commented Jul 27, 2014 at 6:38

Well I've only just joined this site, but what I seem to be noticing with the webdev questions is that people come onto SO, ask their question then take the coded answer and leave, without acknowledgement of the person who submitted it. They seem to take it for granted. Or something else that infuriates me is when they ask a question, don't give enough information, then don't come back and give the information!

Honestly though, its at their own disadvantage. If they don't want to understand why the answer is the correct way to do it, then they aren't going to improve their skills or learn anything, therefore hindering their own career.

  • 3
    Also I see is lot of people answers that "Write a code for me" questions, just to get reputations. If people avoid answering such questions, I think people may stop asking such a questions. Commented Apr 30, 2014 at 15:40
  • Yeah I answered one of those earlier, just to realise the user hadn't even bothered to try to code it themselves, they simply looked for someone else to do it for them. However, I don't think not answering such questions will stop other users from asking them, because a lot of people remain ignorant of the other questions that are asked on this site.
    – Colum
    Commented Apr 30, 2014 at 15:45

Solution: Fix Yahoo Answers.

For the last few years, I've been trolling Yahoo Answers to build SEO on a site I manage. About a year ago, they did a redesign of the site, and pretty much broke it. From what I can tell, there isn't a way to ask or answer a question anymore. The date that YA broke seems to correlate well with the date of the drop off in quality on SO in Denis' answer in this thread.

YA used to get a lot of these low-quality questions, because someone might answer it there.

I think if the SE folks bought Answers from Yahoo, or created a competing "general knowledge" site to attract the low quality questions, the quality would improve on the other SE sites.

  • SE ... buys a void?
    – Smandoli
    Commented Apr 30, 2014 at 21:31
  • 1
    No, @Smandoli, Marissa's too expensive. They just need to buy the Answers property.
    – cpilko
    Commented Apr 30, 2014 at 21:34
  • Lol a honeypot!
    – Chloe
    Commented May 10, 2014 at 8:25

When I saw this question I immediately recall this video:


As explained in a similar way by others on this post it is seems some people like to ask questions with an answer in mind regardless if it is correct approach or not.

It seems that we are part of a culture of google first learn after. During the search "whatever comes first will be accepted as the correct solution" and only a few will want to learn more about it later or feel tempted to challenge the answer they found.

Others may have other ideas about this:

Should reputation be hidden until an answer is accepted?


(my internal representation of the question)


Leading to the output:


I'm a relatively new-ish participant on SO (1.6 yrs), but have benefited from the site for a long time, so I do see, or at least perceive, a downward trend in question quality.

Most the "why" was covered in Tim Post's post, and I feel like this is just a, "me too!" response, but I thought I'd add in a little more. I'm going to steal some quotes from Tim to expand on.

Folks are entering this field [are probably] not ever going to be good programmers because they probably aren't ever going to think like one. This job requires a degree of natural talent and not everyone has it - just like painting, sports, writing. ... This is something that the whole industry is seeing...

IMO, this pretty much covers a HUGE portion of why. But I think at least one underlying cause that allows all of these people to write code is how programming languages and tooling has evolved to allow nearly anyone to make something that "works." Higher levels of abstraction in programming languages means programmers don't need to know how their code is being processed by the machine. Compilers are smarter, even fixing bad code on the fly. IDE's can be configured to auto-generate code -- in some cases, auto-generating everything. You no longer need to be smart enough to analyze an algorithm for efficiency, program a sorting algorithm from scratch, or do binary to decimal conversions in your head. Now by themselves, all of these things are good. They allow smart people to spend time thinking of bigger problems. But they also allow not-so-smart people to do things that should be left to the smarter-than-the-not-so-smart-people people.

The previous, coupled with the following (which will solicit downvotes, I'm sure) just exacerbates the drop in quality.

Comments to Tim's answer touched on "being nice" vs. "being mean." Brian Roach says

But IMHO there's a difference between being rude vs. hurting some special snowflake's delicate feelings by explaining (without malice or snark) that they can't just hamfist some words into the editor, dump their code, and have people fix it for them / do their work for them. It really feels like SO went a bit too far and the pendulum needs to swing back a bit.

Agreed. I understand it's human nature to think in black and white (it makes things easy), but the nice-to-mean line is analogous to a real number line. There's an infinite amount of variation between levels. I think SO and society in general has become overly sensitive to criticism. I'm not promoting being mean, but there's nothing wrong with a bit of negativity to dissuade bad behavior. There's a huge difference between screaming, "You f*#$%g stupid moron!!!! You should go kill yourself!!!" and sending someone a lmgtfy link. The former is mean. The latter is a passive-aggressive hint that maybe you should try researching things yourself. I was sadly surprised to find I can't put lmgtfy links in comments. For me, that's an acceptable form of negative reinforcement. I'm obviously in a minority on this topic. Just remember "rude" is a subjective term. Some people need a bit of rudeness to get the point (eg The person pushing their way to the front of line). And a lot of the more recent questions are at that level of vacuousness.

TL;DR - Tim's right. Be a jerk FTW. (along with other solutions already posted.)


  • 5
    LMGTFY specifically has been banned pretty early on for being nasty (and ultimately unhelpful). I never could quite get to agree with that, but the community decided that way. It's a bit like not keeping score in sports and games so no child has their feelings hurt. Sometimes you got to loose and you got to be told so and you got to feel the pain, so you can find the motivation to improve. Unfortunately there's a thin line between telling someone off for their benefit and doing so for your's.
    – Tomalak
    Commented Jun 16, 2015 at 19:40
  • @Tomalak I understand moderating rudeness is not an easy thing -- right up there with parsing HTML using regex. But LMGTFY seems so mild to me. I guess I grew up in a different time and culture.
    – MadConan
    Commented Jun 16, 2015 at 19:44
  • 1
    "Everyone loves to quote from the FAQ’s etiquette section, particularly the first “be nice” bit. But it’s the last section that has all the action items: Be honest. Above all, be honest..." (Stack Exchange is not a forum: the role of “niceness” on a Q&A site)
    – gnat
    Commented Jun 16, 2015 at 19:47
  • @MadConan Don't get me started on "HTML + regex" questions and the inevitable "why this has always worked for me, don't be so dogmatic" / "but the OP asked for regex solutions" answers.
    – Tomalak
    Commented Jun 16, 2015 at 19:53
  • 1
    @gnat I don't fully agree with that page. I stand by my statement that there are people who need a rude response before they get the point. However, determining who that is based on a faceless question on an anonymous media is a problem I don't have an answer for.
    – MadConan
    Commented Jun 16, 2015 at 20:06
  • @Tomalak "there's a thin line between telling someone off for their benefit and doing so for your's". That's not an xor operation, is it?
    – MadConan
    Commented Jun 16, 2015 at 20:34
  • 1
    well I personally feel like I am capable to handle bad stuff without being snarky. But on the other hand, seeing others rude comments in extremely low quality questions somehow doesn't bother me. Such questions damage site anyway, with comments or without, and solution is simply to delete them, which would also take care of any comments that are there
    – gnat
    Commented Jun 16, 2015 at 20:44
  • 1
    @gnat Problem is, deleting one of them may (in theory, as a numbers game) improve the quality of the site, but it does not help in preventing new bad questions from being asked. In practice, a delete vote needs 5 agreeing users, which is typically more attention than any bad questions receives. So as site popularity grows, overall quality will still go down.
    – Tomalak
    Commented Jun 17, 2015 at 3:42
  • @Tomalak agree, that's a real issue. My understanding is, currently SE team tries to address it by auto-detecting questions for Triage and by keeping these off the site pages while under review. So far it looks like they're on the right track, but they seem to have a problem connecting new review to auto-deletion system
    – gnat
    Commented Jun 17, 2015 at 13:41

What is the purpose of Stack Overflow?

I would argue, to create a useful and searchable database of programming knowledge in question and answer format.

What makes a good question?

A good question is one which helps not only the user, but also future users. This is a question which is upvoted, revisited, commented upon and maintained. The level of the question doesn't matter, it could be about eigenclasses or unordered lists, provided it's general.

The test of generalisability is: "is this an issue likely to affect more than one person ever". A stack trace thrown by a popular library would be general.

A good question is

  1. Reasonably Generalised
  2. Asked at the correct level for the user doing the asking.

What makes a bad question?

A bad question is of the form: "Here's my code, it doesn't work, can you fix it for me?"

  1. It's specific to a very particular problem, e.g. the user has missed a semi-colon on line 14.
  2. It's asked at a level well above the user's skill level, and as such makes no sense eg. How do I make Facebook, when the user manifestly doesn't understand what a variable is?

I would suggest the following:

  1. Bring back "too localised" as a reason to close - for missing semi-colon issues.
  2. Add in a "question makes no sense" reason to close - when the question is asked so far above the user's level that it makes no sense.
  3. Allow people with higher rep to close a question immediately.
  4. Make a downvoted question be closable immediately.
  5. Use voter.rep / poster.rep to determine the weight of a close vote.
  6. Remove downvote disincentive. Rep lost on closed questions should be reset.
  7. Remove incentive to answer poor quality questions. rep gained answering closed questions should be reset.
  8. Disincentivise "rep whoring" - posters with a few high voted answers should be rewarded more than posters with a lot of low voted questions. This is fuzzy.
  9. Add in "My code doesn't work please help me" as a reason to close.
  • 6
    1: we have "can no longer be reproduced or simple typographical error" for missing semicolons. 2: We have "unclear what you're asking" to handle these. 3 to 5: discussed and shot down. 6 and 7: still being discussed IIRC. Not sure about 8. Commented May 2, 2014 at 10:37
  • I don't automatically consider a localized question a bad one. Sometimes you are stuck with a very specific problem that's not easy to generalize and need a second pair of eyes to get you moving. That's even a pretty common case, I dare to say. Some of the very specific answers I gave to localized problems in niche tags caught an up-vote and a "wow that helped me" comment after laying dormant for two years.
    – Tomalak
    Commented May 2, 2014 at 10:45
  • 2
    @FrédéricHamidi - 1. Fair enough, though there are classes of question which are not purely typographical, eg. when the user has mis-understood the left and right hand sides of a variable assignation. 2. Fair enough. 3 - 5. I still contend it would be better to have an easier way to shut down users without aptitude. It takes more work, and higher skilled work to shut down a question than it does to ask it. 6 - 7. Would be good. SO appears to be technically capable of this as rep is lost when a user leaves the site. 8. It would be good to distinguish between quality and quantity. Commented May 2, 2014 at 11:23
  • @Tomalak - agreed, it's a question of degree. A question that only relates to the user's code is localised. A question that relates to the user's problem is not localised. There are levels of abstraction. I would contend that questions asked at level 0 tend to be of lower quality. Commented May 2, 2014 at 11:27
  • 1
    I'm afraid it would be hard to agree on a definitive level for a question. Some things are super difficult for one person and super trivial for the other. But I think it's entirely possible to agree on a few basic denominators that make a good question: Has code, code is syntactically correct & minimized to the relevant parts, has explanations, states the intent & the expected outcome, outlines a thought process, is formatted properly, proves some research was done (I even claim that when these basics are present, it already can't be a blatant duplicate anymore.)
    – Tomalak
    Commented May 2, 2014 at 11:37
  • 5
    Making it easier to mark something as a duplicate (which many of these questions are) will also curtail the 'rep whoring' that you mention. Folks just won't be able to answer these with crappy two-line answers any longer because they'll be closed so quickly. We're thinking of ways to make this easier now.
    – user50049
    Commented May 2, 2014 at 12:34
  • @TimPost - Yes. Marking as a duplicate takes a fair chunk of highly skilled work. You need to research, read and understand. It should be made as easy as possible, and incentivised. Commented May 2, 2014 at 13:24

I think there is a huge difference between those with the knowledge to answer the questions and those that are asking. I was really into programming as a kid. I taught myself BASIC, programmed an adventure game on my TI 82 graphing calculator, but I stopped to get serious about a career (getting two degrees in English, which are a total waste).

When I joined SO, I was just starting an accelerated CS degree program. I used it as an "oh crap, my assignment is due in two hours and I'm getting a segmentation fault" source for solutions. There was a lot of negativity towards what I asked, I rarely got good help (but when I did it was really good and I learned a lot). I'm not sure what part of this is due to my question asking skills or SO's user base.

Now, a year later, I'm going through trying to answer questions, provide input and feedback and help others. I see the blatantly lazy and stupid questions. I also see the self-learners that remind me of myself as a young kid (I certainly would of been one if I was born 20 years later than I was). I also see more and more people with limited English skills or for who English is a second or third language.

About a third of the questions i see are conceptual (How is the best was to approach this, what data structures are fastest for this). A third are code problem questions (I'm getting this error with this code). The final third are "I'm totally lost and not sure how to proceed" questions. I think all of these are within the scope of stack overflow, and should be answered to the best of our ability. If there isn't enough information, we should (nicely!) ask for the information we need. If it isn't given, then we ignore the question and let it dry up and die until the OP is willing to make it better, and add in the additional information.

I think we need to decide as a community how to respond to the low quality questions where someone is trying to pass off work onto others, with no attempts to fix it themselves. I see SO as a learning resource, and I've been trying to link things to these people, so they can educate themselves, instead of providing a perfect answer. That way if they are lost, I've given them a compass. If they are lazy, they will remain lost forever.

  • A question that came about from having a problem under a tight deadline is highly unlikely to provide much lasting value (although it's possible) - what are the chances of someone writing the exact same program as you, in the exact same way, making the exact same mistake, not to mention actually considering that this highly improbable sequence of events may have happened and end up doing an in-depth search to find your question? And yes, we are trying to fill the site with questions with lasting value. That's the real problem - people just wanting answers without caring about the site. Commented May 2, 2014 at 20:13
  • @Dukeling its then a question if the purpose of the site is a reference, or the purpose of the site is a commmunity of programmers trying to help one another out. Commented May 2, 2014 at 20:15
  • Definitely both - ideally every single question should be asked such that answers help the asker, but it also provides lasting value. If this isn't the goal, there'd be little point to even making the questions public in the first place. IMO questions without lasting value shouldn't be on the site at all (i.e. closed, downvoted and deleted ASAP), although I'm not sure what the 'official' stance on that is. Commented May 2, 2014 at 20:27
  • New programmers who ask the stupid questions, maybe don't know how to find the resources they need or how to understand documentation, are part of that community. They need to be trained how to find the answers they need on their own, not downvoted to oblivion and ridiculed Commented May 2, 2014 at 20:29
  • 2
    I agree that they need to be taught, but if someone asks for food, teaching him to fish isn't a valid answer, and, in many cases, the things they need to be taught goes way beyond what one can fit in an answer. If someone's code isn't working (want food), they should learn to debug (learn to fish). Telling them what they did wrong (giving them a fish) doesn't help them a particularly large amount in the long run, and it certainly doesn't help anyone else. Commented May 2, 2014 at 20:44
  • As a youngster I learnt 68k assembly on the amiga, self taught via a book and a disassembler program and dissecting other's code, because I had a passion to learn to code. What I'm finding annoying is the number of students who come on here expecting their school/uni programming assignments/projects to be coded up for them to completion, without any effort on their part. How will they actually learn from doing this, and why are they even in a programming class if they're not willing to try?
    – flauntster
    Commented May 7, 2014 at 5:41
  • Which is why we need to train them on how to find the resources they need. It took the good part of a semester for me to get skilled at finding answers with google and searching SO. It took probably another few weeks for me to realize how many good references there are online (like the Java and C documentation), as well as how to use them. Just telling them no isn't going to stop them from posting the questions, giving them the tools to find the answers themselves will make them better programmers, as well as improve the quality of their questions. Commented May 7, 2014 at 13:46

The Problem

In my opinion, question quality should be examined on a broad chronological timeline. In the beginning, the people using StackOverflow more than likely had similar goals and saw SO for it's possibilities. So as to avoid it becoming yet another overrun Q&A site, I think people banded together and actively worked to manage content quality. People had a stronger sense of community pride then and picked up the trash they found on the street while out for a walk. Today, people land on SO from all over and, to them, this may be just another Q&A site.

User Training

Community means nothing to those not aware of it. That ignorance (in the general sense of unawareness), I believe directly correlates with the poor question quality -- people simply don't understand why they should care. The solution, in my opinion, is to provide training to new users and communicate:

  • What StackOverflow is and is not. What does the community stand for? Guiding principles? What makes this a community and NOT just another Q&A site.
  • How to search for an answer
  • How to write a good question if you cannot find a useful answer
  • How to answer good questions

Many web applications these days, upon account creation, provide an instructional walkthrough to engage users and provide them with enough information to capitalize on the full experience. So, how would something like that work for posting requirements?

  • Create a new badge for completing the training. Allow this badge to be revoked by a moderator requiring the user to redo the training in the event they choose to ignore the principles provided.
  • New questions require:
    • Either user has earned this badge, essentially saying they have reviewed and understand what SO is all about.
    • Or user has earned a reputation greater than some arbitrary threshold, which they could earn by answering questions and contributing to the community.

As a drawback, this solution may raise the level of poor quality answers, but downvotes are in place and other users who provide higher quality answers will most likely drown out the noise and enable high quality questions to receive high quality answers.

Perhaps this approach is too harsh or does not align with the goals of StackExchange, I just wanted to communicate my thoughts here on a solution as I don't want to see StackOverflow ever lose ground in the war on quality content.


  • Doesn't stackoverflow already do this? (the whole walkthrough for new users) stackoverflow.com/about it gets linked as the first thing when you view the site while not logged in.
    – Kevin B
    Commented May 2, 2014 at 18:35
  • And, there is a badge related to it. stackoverflow.com/help/badges/2600/informed
    – Kevin B
    Commented May 2, 2014 at 18:42
  • This is a true statement, although the about page is a bit of an indirect approach. What I am suggesting is, rather than being an optional way to earn an extra badge, it is required before posting and focuses on communicating the key areas that currently may contribute to poor question quality. Similar to how the "review" section will sometimes give a dummy review just to make sure you are paying attention, perhaps the about page is interactive and provides a mechanism to write a "practice question" or way to indicate a good vs. bad question. Commented May 2, 2014 at 20:38
  • The R community on SO has a user training solution with this question stackoverflow.com/q/5963269/134830 (It's by far the most popular/highest voted question with the R tag.) Since most R users are not programmers by trade (they are data analysts or scientists or engineers or business folk), there is less of an assumption that you need to know how to code to ask a question here. Commented May 8, 2014 at 11:38

It's an interesting question you raise but I think the level of question being asked is starting to reflect the liklihood of them being answered. I've asked a few questions over the last few years and it seems that only ones that can be answered with a few lines of code or a suggestion get answered. For example I posed a question yesterday regarding how to add a responsive iframe in a wordpress page and it's received no answers (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23483248/getting-wordpress-to-display-iframe-responsively). I'm not surprised as I know it's a difficult question to answer unless you have a good working knowledge of wordpress. However it just means that like along with many others the level of question being posed on here will either sink through the floor or be so vague as to be impossible to answer


At the risk of being down-voted ad-nauseam, I suggest if there is a lack of interest in a question for reasons such as

  • Commonly asked
  • Not enough thought
  • Sloppy; unclear

why is there no interest in training the OP to be better at Q&A? I came across SO not because I sought it out but because Google matched my search request to SO that had a question identical to mine. I imagine a similar scenario:

  1. Busy coder
  2. Ran into problem
  3. Google search
  4. Found SO; may be inexperienced or experienced programmer
  5. SO Must have professionals who know answer
  6. Ask quick question; may contain any of the following:

    Poor grammar, incorrect terminology, missing syntax, poorly communicated, etc.

  7. Still need an answer

Rather than down-voting and closing the question, if there is an interest in improving the quality, I would think some iteration is needed in the form of feedback to the OP. That could be as a simple as cleaning up their question, point to the 'How to Ask a Question', or have the OP clarify their question.

I view the process as no different than mentoring a new associate at a company. They are bound to write bad code, be unfamiliar with patterns and logic but through time (their own and yours) they become better and turn into a contributor rather than make room for the next new OP to repeat the process all over again.

Also, if there is no interest in addressing an OPs question or providing assistance, why bother? Many other questions on SE to answer.

That is my 1 red nickel.

  • A mentoring program. Interesting idea. Can be gamed and whored -- oh, undoubtedly. But intriguing.
    – Smandoli
    Commented Apr 30, 2014 at 21:30
  • Perhaps you fail to understand my suggestion. Such tools exist already in SE and, in particular SO. From the ability to modify an OP's question, to providing feedback about the question, to the more punitive measures such as close votes, down votes, and the myriad of means and ways, there is ample opportunity to assist an OP. Point I make is, rather then immediately go for the punitive measures, how about those that be of some actual use and do some good in turning a bad OP into a good one?
    – Mushy
    Commented Apr 30, 2014 at 23:44
  • Yeh, sorry to be dense and thanks for the extra help.
    – Smandoli
    Commented May 1, 2014 at 2:01
  • I've had some very pleasant moments in SO when I felt I did improve someone. But that natural and satisfying dynamic is defeated by the current crisis. If we can find a solution, we can return to improving ourselves and our fellows. Otherwise, not. So, I can't really take your answer as valid in this context.
    – Smandoli
    Commented May 1, 2014 at 2:03
  • 2
    That's the problem. Someone who can't be bothered to think about it their question properly (everything else: minimal code samples, state of intent, explanations, expected output, corner cases, proper question format - is a direct result of bothering to think about your problem in a structured manner) ... so everyone not doing that will produce a low quality crap question by default. They don't care, they are in "need an answer fast" mode. I fear they will not improve their approach when you try to mentor them about how to ask a question. The others will produce good questions from day one.
    – Tomalak
    Commented May 1, 2014 at 6:13
  • @Tomalak Yes, but since you can't control that and it makes no sense to just bump them out of the system only to recycle more of the same behavior, the only solution is to "teach them how to fish" and break the cycle. Otherwise, nothing is gained and all there is remains lost. These same folks who poorly ask questions on SO do so on other sites as well. I think it is more a desire to get the job done than interact on a higher social order.
    – Mushy
    Commented May 1, 2014 at 14:55
  • When I arrived here I thought "wow, a site full of answers to lots of problems, I think I'll drop google and research directly here". Until today, I almost haven't asked much, it's all at a search distance. In my book, a programmer without research skills ain't that great.
    – brasofilo
    Commented May 2, 2014 at 10:51
  • 3
    The main problem here is that its simply impossible, given the scale of this site. There are many thousands of terrible questions asked each day. There just aren't enough experienced users to mentor every single person who asks an awful question. Even if every regular spent hours a day doing so, they would only make up a drop in the bucket when it comes to all of the crap. There is only sufficient time to get the crap off of the site through downvoting, closing, and deletion. Those interested in learning to ask proper questions have plenty of resources available to learn from.
    – Servy
    Commented May 2, 2014 at 17:37
  • 2
    Also note that closing a question is providing valuable feedback as to what is wrong with the post, and includes lots of information on how to go about addressing those problems. Most people who can't be bothered to spend any time researching their question, or forming a quality well written question, simply don't have any intention of improving or learning how to fix their question. If they did, they would already be able to do so.
    – Servy
    Commented May 2, 2014 at 17:39
  • @Servy The prime motivation, as I observe, for the use of Q&A sites, such as SO, is just to get an answer to a question. It appears to me all other considerations are secondary including SE's desire to formulate a repository of every question with accompanying answer as determined by the community at large. Perhaps the problem is the ease of access to SO and SE at large. Only takes creation of an account and one is off and asking questions with no requirement to prioritize learning how to ask questions and contribute. That may need to be addressed in the future as well.
    – Mushy
    Commented May 5, 2014 at 19:59
  • SO seems to be only wanting to be the last point of assistance for a question - which is understandable if people don't supply enough information to have the question answered. But if they do supply enough information to solve the problem but not enough to 'prove' the hours they have spent researching then they get hassled about the formatting of the question. If there is enough information to limit the work for the person answering it to a minimal amount but technically the question wasn't exactly as people expect, is the question wrong to have been asked in the first place?
    – SystemX17
    Commented May 9, 2014 at 0:10
  • At the risk of being down-voted ad-nauseam It's your opinion. Up-vote means agreement and down-vote means disagreement. Here on meta your reputation doesn't change.
    – user823738
    Commented May 11, 2014 at 11:19
  • This takes waaaaaaay too much time
    – Kukeltje
    Commented Feb 28, 2019 at 18:57

I am going to be blunt and just suck up the downvotes.

The problem is that SO has fragmented into two camps: the ones who think that too many questions get closed too easily and the ones who don't agree with that sentiment.

I am personally in camp A along with many other collegues and other forums (HN for instance, which one would think you would like to cater to). Many of these have left SO.

Why is this? Here I can only say that the general sentiment is that SO "closes any interesting question". And now you wonder why question quality has dropped.

From my point of view "closing interesting questions" means that I cannot ask the questions which I want to ask fellow programmers at the same level of experience. I know that I can ask technical questions about compiler errors, algorithms, specific problems etc. But I can't ask for advice anymore.

I know most of you will just argue that "that is not what SO is for". But the thing is that it used to work but doesn't anymore.

From the start I thought "cool, a forum for communicating with fellow programmers" and now I think "cool, a forum for asking very specific technical questions if framed to the liking of the mods".

Come to think of it, this is generally what happens when mods take over and drive sites in some arbitrary direction, sometimes away from what some of the users would like.

  • 8
    Stack Overflow is not meant to be a forum. It was very much designed to be the exact opposite, an Anti-Forum. Jeff Atwood is currently working on an actual forum product now, Discourse.
    – user456814
    Commented May 7, 2014 at 8:07
  • @Cupcake: Yes, I've heard this before. And I believe that the fact that this is more enforced now is is the reason why quality drops. Commented May 7, 2014 at 13:43
  • 9
    These questions were considered to have been out of scope within the first year of SO's existence, well before it's popularity really started to explode. By the time the site became successful these questions had long been excluded from its scope. Considerable effort has been spent discussing this topic, which you're more than welcome to research. At the end of the day while these questions were popular and people loved to talk about them, they generated an extraordinarily small amount of quality content despite the huge amounts of subject expert's time they consumed.
    – Servy
    Commented May 7, 2014 at 16:20
  • 3
    "I think that if I could ask a question to a group of skilled programmers sitting around a table at lunch, and get interesting, valuable answers, then... that question should equally well be fair game for Stack Overflow..." --> nope
    – gnat
    Commented May 7, 2014 at 22:30
  • 1
    @Servy it doesn't matter that "considerable effort" has been spent discussing this topic. Apparently, despite all the effort, you have not found a solution. Because this very question is about the fact that question quality is still dropping. Perhaps, in light of the fact that it didn't work, it is worth reconsidering what has been done to fix this problem previously? Just a thought.... Commented May 8, 2014 at 0:45
  • @jalf So because there are still some question quality problem (which, for the record, we've had for forever, this is simply the flavor of the month meta topic to complain about, that doesn't mean it's a new problem) we should remove some of the practices that we've put in place that have significantly and demonstrably improved question quality? Sorry, but no. The fact that question quality isn't as high as we want it to be isn't a reason to make it worse.
    – Servy
    Commented May 8, 2014 at 14:06
  • Yeah, the obvious best solution is to create a better software. SO sucks for the people it, perhaps inadvertantly, targets. They have this share of the market: why don't they diversify? Because camp B is so resistant. Most of them probably want the job security that comes with zero competition, so they try to troll off the people who are asking the important questions that would, in any other setting, lead to informative answers. Commented May 9, 2014 at 8:58
  • @Cupcake: I thought about this for a while. Why is the common perception that an "how do I best do X" question is better served by a forum? Forums don't have voting, so how can I ever know which advice to follow? The great thing about SO is that all the suggestions are ranked by votes, so I can with confidence choose the best supported answer of the question. Here SO has an edge, why ignore this opportunity? It's fine to drop the questions where no answer stands out, but in most questions you see a distinctive difference in votes between top and bottom answer. Commented May 14, 2014 at 16:02
  • 1
    Sorry, but I disagree with your premise, you can ask for advice providing your question has a strong foundation of research behind it and it remains on topic. The secret is, that with that done, the question no longer becomes purely about looking for advice but a question behind the validity of your problem
    – Sayse
    Commented May 18, 2015 at 11:04

I seem to be one of the ones you all hate. I spend at least an hour before posting a question on SO researching the cause of my problem. I post a question on here stating what I have, what I have tried and what I think might be why I am having a problem. I am then replied to with more people telling me my question sucks than trying to help me. Even insulting replies that don't get removed. I have professional coding experience, however I don't have a masters in anything to do with language and writing skills. I do my best to try and word questions as per what is asked by SO and to try and give the important information that I have gathered trying to resolve the issue myself but I struggle sometimes to define my problem in the exact right way that some random person with no solution says I should.

If this site is only reserved for professionals with years of experience with a language then it should be more clearly stated. You have SO getting some of the top results for simple questions after Googling an issue, so it's going to attract people that need this sort of assistance.

I think what some people are expecting needs a sign in big letters at the top of SO's sites:

"If you don't know what you are talking about, you should already. If you post something when you don't already know the answer, prepare to be ridiculed!"

  • 3
    What makes you think we would hate you? You do your research first and then post relevant code? You're wonderful! Commented May 8, 2014 at 9:27
  • 1
    "I spend at least an hour before posting a question on SO researching the cause of my problem." Hey how could we hate you. That statement alone puts you in the 5% of users I'm not even talking about. I'm sorry to hear people insult you in their answers (can you link to an example, just for reference?).
    – Tomalak
    Commented May 8, 2014 at 9:54
  • 1
    Faith restored in SO by 2 awesome people. Thanks guys for positive messages. Will get back to you with a link one of the questions.
    – SystemX17
    Commented May 8, 2014 at 10:11
  • 1
    Yeah, dude. I totally feel you. Sometimes I spend 2 weeks writing a question, and I totally get trolled by answerers who obviously don't know what they're talking about and are just rating whores. Commented May 9, 2014 at 8:56

It now goes weeks between times where I find questions that are worthy of answers and if it wasn't for my older more technical questions, my reputation would never go up (not that I care but that unicorn painting was pretty cool).

Looking back at how I first started answering questions I was motivated by trying to unlock the next privilege and in an age of video games I imagine I am not the only one that has ever done this, but these themselves are flawed as the privileges reward all behaviour.

Regardless of the quality of your posts, eventually you will get these all unlocked and that is just wrong. These privileges should account for your actions as well as your reputation such as you can comment when your up/downvote ratio is positive along with the minimal 50 rep and increasingly harder (stricter) requirements for the more higher up utilities.

So that accounts for users such as me..

But then this is only for those that wish to join the community, those that wish to just get a quick answer are not addressed and I would hope there would be something that can be done about that.


I'd like to interject a view point that exposes more social reasons for question quality and tie that to a technical short coming and solution.

I have taught at a local university for a few years, a short time ago. My fellow instructors noted a pattern of technical ability in the students over a partial generation say 3 or 4 years. When 17 and 18 year olds, and technically even 14 and 15 year old students can modify databases, post new web content and publish full web sites or web applications from cell phones in a matter of minutes, the competition for classroom success sky rockets when some students can not. Add this to the simplicity of popular web sites to perform these actions in such a simple matter, that when an individual decides to try and develop their own application, they are clearly lost in the complexity of coding involved to perform the functions of applications that they have experience using.

I have been a user of Stack Overflow going on three years now, and I have asked some dumb questions of my own. I also truly believe that "search results quality" leads to the patterns of question quality in postings. There is no doubt that the ability for any site's algorithms to adequately provide the correct detailed answer to even non newbies is still random at best.

If you step outside the box for a moment, and examine the success rate of Watson, IBM's AI system, Watson boasted an 88% success rate in its first round on Jeopardy. To examine this further, recall the results input sections of many web sites, Microsoft included. "Were these search results helpful, Yes, No, Why not?" I pray that these sites are improving their own algorithms with these results.

I feel a more accurate assessment of the question being posted would surely improve the answer quality and hopefully reduce poor question quantity. Imagine how tough it is to find targeted results on a handful of terms from a person that is not even certain about how to ask the right question in the first place. It goes back to the beginning of learning to spell a word by trying to look it up in a dictionary, how can you look it up if you can't spell it?

Too often background details are missing on question postings. Perhaps a profile or multiple sub profiles could include the users system parameters, platform, coding language in use, software revs. And I say multiple sub profiles, in case the poster develops on multiple platforms, JavaScript, Visual Basic, Lua, C#, PHP, etc.

There is plenty of room for a better Stack Overflow, not taking anything away from how awesome it is and all that it has done for the numerous developers that rely on it. But change is inevitable.


These are the best solutions to low question quality:

Revise the question, yourself

Get the ball rolling on a better answer by correcting grammar, spelling, etc. If someone's asking a question, it's because they need help--maybe just some encouragement. Try to avoid kicking them while they're somehow down, right? If you improve the quality of the question, you may find additional information that reveals the question to be of a better quality than you had initially imagined. This will also help to inspire the asker to do a better job on this and future questions.

Ask politely for revisions

If you're polite when you ask someone to revise his or her question, and avoid jumping to 'close' or 'downvote', you're more likely to get a lasting effect from the asker. This is common knowledge in behavioral shaping. Traditional punishers, especially those that precede incentive, lead to more intense misbehavior. For those of you who are nerds: diplomacy: lawful good; intimidation: lawful evil.

Create better resources

Bad questions often arise from bad resources--often bad resources which cannot be improved. Learners are taking time to investigate your culture by learning your language; so, you should give them some respect in the form of clout. They want you to take the time to know who they are. Ask: "what learning resources are you using, and what page are you on". There are a lot of resources that programmers generally dislike (for example, w3schools). But you can send edits to w3schools! Why bash what you can change? I really dislike the qt manual, and the oracle java manual, and they can't be edited. I always wonder: "Why do people try to excuse the errors in these books, which can't be changed, and bash w3schools without sending in edits?" Anyway: educators know, providing resources is essential, and sometimes that means 'teach this 12-year-old learner how to use google without killing his or her motivation'.

Learn about education

Too many people think that knowing a skill means being able to teach a skill. The truth is, there aren't many good teachers out there. Do you know what humans need to learn? Struggling through manuals and resources is actually very ineffective. Most people who say they learned all by themselves actually had instructors, seat partners, family, friends, etc. Most home-based learners don't have a community, so they ask chatty questions that we might consider low-quality. It's not a good idea to slam people for getting chatty, though! Try merging: build a better answer: try to avoid off-topic closures until some work has been done to make the learner feel more accomplished. It's a natural part of human learning to seek connectivity and dialog: in employees, engagement is gauged to increase performance by 200% sometimes, and I estimate the number as being much higher. A learner is a professional, sitting down, trying to fit into an office, basically. Would you want your trainers and bosses to say: "That's a dumb question. Close it, take some credit away from this guy, and don't answer the question?" I challenge you to spend a few days in an office like that. What kind of response would you want?

It's easier for askers and answerers if there's an exercise involved in each correspondence. Instead of saying: "This is the answer." Try: "This is the answer, and here's a follow-up question to help you cement in the knowledge." This is known as "functional learning", and it's probably the best way to learn. If you find yourself saying "rtfm", you may find askers becoming angry with you, professional educators laughing at you, and if you're working as an educator, you very well may lose your job.

A lot of the people who point to questions as being bad--it's common knowledge that that's wrong, by the way--, are also just terrible at answering questions and get the wind knocked out of them every time they try to help. They don't like answering because they've been conditioned to dislike answering; so, they want to push the blame on the askers. It's better to take a break from answering if it becomes that kind of compulsion: an addition to being sadistic towards learners. You're practicing the skill of answering poorly: it's a habit instructors avoid because they can see the motivation die in students, but online, that can't be seen, so educators don't kick themselves when they mess up.

There are so many things answerers say that they could be saying better. Remember, it's always your responsibility to improve your own communications, first, to improve the community. Complaining about others (just to whine) is obviously less effective than improving your methods (with the obvious intention of effecting a specific result).

Here's a quick palate of answer/comment upgrades to improve the community and long-term, hopefully improve question quality (wrong answer; reason; right answer):

  • This is a place for help, not free work. Sorry, help = free work. "Please, break your next question down into smaller bits and re-ask, if possible. This is how I would break it down: a, b, c, ..."
  • RTFM. Sorry, that's not conducive to learning. "Use this resource. It covers that. Read up to this section."
  • Use google. Probably already did. "Here's a suggest keyword. Make sure you use google, not hotbot."
  • That question's too basic. There are many reasons for asking basic questions; avoid using 'too'. "Did you know that was basic info? Here's the answer. Now, what resource are you using, and why didn't you understand? Read this resource up through here. Here's a reference, make sure you have it open next time you ask."

There are many more of these, and there are much better ways to improve these answers. These should get you started, though. Can you build on these sublimations? I'll also say, there are better solutions that I just don't want to put up, proving that some people (including myself) just don't want the competition that comes with posting the best possible answer.

Methods for stopping troll answers ('bad-question' responses)

  1. Require a comment and 5 minutes prior to a downvote. This forces answerers and commenters to give askers a window of opportunity to improve the quality of the question.
  2. Allow a 20 minute window after initial commenting prior to 'close votes' being allowed. This gives askers an opportunity to rework the question and make it fit before it's closed, if it really just needs a few finishing touches (which is often the case).
  3. Increase the penalty associated with down voting. Down-vote abuse is really at the root of the issue. It starts the dialog off on the wrong foot, so the asker is not likely to take the associated advice to heart.
  • I know people don't want to hear this, but it's true. One of the most common methods for throwing off responsibility is to blame others, and that's really all this is. It's the answerer's responsibility to manage the question, the asker, and the answer, all three. Fundamentally, people should take as much responsibility as they possibly can unto themselves in all situations; so, there's no room to disagree. This is the most mature path in any situation (to do your best and work with what you have). It sets a bad example to rate questions without working to improve them; however, we can. Commented May 9, 2014 at 10:25

As long as new technology is coming, there will be new questions. For example, in the Microsoft domain 5-7 years back most questions were related to Visual Basic 6.0, now it is mostly .NET and XAML. After a year it will be Microsoft tiles-based applications.

So, most of the Visual Basic 6.0 questions are now obsolete, so you will get good quality questions in the latest technology.

  • VB6 was end-of-lifed 6 years ago. There has only been one VB6 question for over a decade: "Should I use it?" "No."
    – podiluska
    Commented May 6, 2014 at 18:07

Tomalak states:
"I'm seeing a rapid trend towards worse and worse question quality. It gets to the point where I'm asking myself "Why did I even help this guy? He neither has the will nor the capacity to understand the answer; I have just been wasting my time". That happens more and more often lately and is pretty frustrating.".

Unfortunately there's a recent push in this direction:


"Content principles

Principles and tactics for writing at Stack Overflow. These will help produce clear, consistent content for users of different professions, identities, and levels of English fluency.

7th grade reading level

Write for a 7th grade reading level. Stack Overflow users are busy people with limited time and attention. They’re also located all over the world with different levels of English fluency. You can help everyone follow along by choosing simple, consistent words and phrases, and being careful about jokes and cultural references.".

That guideline starts out poorly and improves as one reads through it, its heart is in the right place but its head is not.

Writing for a 7th grade reading level is too low, in some cases Stack Exchange requires users to be 18 years old, while the minimum age is 13 to 16 depending upon location. I can appreciate that we have users from around the world (and I help everyone regardless of location) but targeting all our answers to 13 year olds is the wrong direction to go.

I have worked for hours in some cases to help people with their question, with the help of others we have assisted the person to write a clear question using correct English; and offered an answer that they can understand - but mandating that as a writing style is wrong.

Some subjects simply require a high school or university level understanding. Dumbing it down as the default is rude and goes against Stack Exchange's statement above: "Stack Overflow users are busy people with limited time and attention.". If something is unclear to someone who is learning that's one thing, but talking down to people is quite another.

The question:

"What's your view on the state of affairs in Stack Overflow - is your perception similar to mine? If yes, how are you dealing with it, other than retreating? If no, what do you do against creeping cynicism (because that's what really worries me here)?".

I think that overall that the question quality has increased (on our other sites, not so much on Stack Overflow), people generally understand to write better questions that are useful to others; otherwise the only attention they will receive is downvotes, negative perceived comments more recently (strongly) frowned upon, and no answer forthcoming.

Woe is the rep 1 user who asked a question that isn't particularly good. A half dozen of those and they are well on their way to the "one question every six months street"™.

Having almost exclusively answered questions and asked so few I do answer much less than I used to. But there's fresh blood to take my place, and plenty of critics to voice any complaint I could make.

That's unfortunate.

  • I am not sure what your point is.
    – Jongware
    Commented Apr 14, 2020 at 11:39
  • 7
    "but targeting all our answers to 13 year olds is the wrong direction to go. " - no, it's targeting the reading level to that of a 13 year old By Some Metric:tm:. There's grown people with that level of english, purely because not every country in the world teaches English as a first language, and because English education is pretty bad in some cases (even in countries that otherwise have good english education) Commented Apr 14, 2020 at 11:40
  • 4
    Also, it even says what I just said in the actual description. The language barrier applies here too. Writing for a 7th grade level is NOT the same as writing for 13 year olds, but writing for a specific level in some or another definition I've never been able to properly understand why is used at all. Finally, that quote is from stackoverflow.design, which defines the site itself. It is NOT equivalent to a requirement, rule, or whatever for askers and answers. Yet anyway. Commented Apr 14, 2020 at 11:45
  • 4
    Also, while generally writing for a 7th grade level is recommended, that isn't possible in some cases. Terminology comes hard into play for actual answers, which means there will be cases where it goes beyond that. That alone is probably why it's a part of SO's design guidelines, and not the post writing guidelines for questions and answers on the site itself. (Newsletters and site design is completely irrelevant in this case, because Stack writes all that anyway) Commented Apr 14, 2020 at 11:53

Personally, I find that the friendliness of users on SO is much lower than on most other sites. Many times I ask intelligent questions only to have the question closed because it's been asked before. I always address the concerns and clarify about why my question is different, but to no avail. I'm not saying that all users are bad, and I still go here first whenever I have a question as the amount of helpful users is also high, but I view the site as a hostile environment.

In your question, you say that sometimes, the asker seems incapable of understanding. But that is exactly why they asked in the first place: to find a way to understand. If you answer the question, your goal should be to help them understand. If they don't, it's not their fault, if they took the time to ask on here and respond to your posts. You have no right to be mad at people for their lack of intelligence.

As for the people who only ask homework questions, they are making it worse, but the majority of the questions I see are quality questions that are often berated for their seeming stupidity.

And really, stupid questions aren't very hard to combat: just rate down and move on. But driving off potential good contributors is a wrong that is much harder to write.

  • A dowonvote without an explanation?! No surprise.
    – Prime624
    Commented Apr 29, 2014 at 3:36
  • Friendliness is not something you should take into your mind. There are many kinds of people. And you have to calm down. Some users are here since the site is newly established. So as the quality of questions drops. They may say "Why I see this question again!?". Actually A Really good question is hard to find , because They are already asked before!! Stackoverflow encourage everyone in the community to search for answers , than encourage you to wait for answer to come to you. So please be patient and live in the community. Commented Apr 29, 2014 at 4:13
  • I didn't mean to sound angry, and I apologize if I came off that way. Friendliness is an important thing though. Just as important as quality questions.
    – Prime624
    Commented Apr 29, 2014 at 4:24
  • It's important. But don't let it ruin your mind. I think we should focus more on how to ask page Commented Apr 29, 2014 at 4:27
  • 2
    I'm just saying that instead of trying to find a solution to a problem you have little control over, consider fixing a problem that you (I'm not saying anyone specifically, you could all be really nice) have complete control over.
    – Prime624
    Commented Apr 29, 2014 at 4:43
  • 2
    What do we have complete control over? I don't. Today what can I do the best is to flag bad questions. I got at least 30 useful flags every day. It's hard to maintain both qualities of the site and feelings of new users. Please understand that. And sorry If we make you feel that we are unfriendly. Commented Apr 29, 2014 at 4:53
  • 36
    "Many times I ask intelligent questions only to have the question closed because it's been asked before." - I don't know if anyone has mentioned this to you before, but... if many of your questions are getting closed as duplicates, you're probably using the site wrong. (1) You're supposed to search diligently for answers, on this site and elsewhere, before asking. (2) Closing a question is not unfriendly; it's just part of how the system works. If your question gets closed as a duplicate of something else, you still get an answer (on the duplicate question), so you should be grateful.
    – D.W.
    Commented Apr 29, 2014 at 6:26
  • If you find the community to be unfriendly, perhaps you should visit here because it's being discussed; however, this question is not about that.
    – Radiodef
    Commented Apr 29, 2014 at 6:40
  • 3
    I have to agree with @Denis here looking at your questions (that I can see) they don't look particularly well thought out or formatted all of which can be gained by spending a little time reading through the introductory topics in the help section. If you really want to help the community this shouldn't be a problem. That way you will learn how to better utilise the site and a lot of your frustrations will vanish.
    – user692942
    Commented Apr 29, 2014 at 11:46
  • 5
    A downvote with explanation!! This thread is talking about people that don't put any effort in searching before posting a question. The first question that you have asked on SO : stackoverflow.com/questions/21657602/… Now come on, don't tell me you did any google search about that, plus there must be tons of questions like that already on SO. We are trying to have as less as duplicates on SO and you just adding more, you clearly haven't understand how stack exchange work yet.
    – ForceMagic
    Commented Apr 30, 2014 at 14:03
  • 1
    The quality of SO is the quality of both questions and answers. It does not make much sense to discuss why questions are getting worse without looking at the friendliness/unfriendliness of answers that shape the questions. As this answer suggests, if well-thought intelligent questions are encountered with harsh criticism and irrelevant answers by those who do not understand or do not care to understand the questions, why do you expect people continue to ask good questions?
    – thor
    Commented May 2, 2014 at 19:12
  • 1
    The more I use this site the more it seems like a giant circle jerk. It could fit right in as a subreddit Commented May 2, 2014 at 20:15
  • 4
    @Prime624 10 minutes worth of research effort isn't a whole lot, although I'm not saying you would've found an answer to that question - you may have had more luck looking for why a backslash doesn't print in a string. Your question is somewhat invalid though - the result you're getting is the literal contents. And people are sometimes blinded by lack of research effort regarding things that are difficult to search for. And some people might consider your question not useful, as it relates to basic syntax which you really should learn as soon as you start learning about strings. Commented May 3, 2014 at 0:15
  • 1
    @Dukeling What I should learn when I learn Strings is irrelevant. I didn't learn that, for whatever reason, and I am therefore asking a question. If I learned everything with the related concepts, I wouldn't be asking questions in the first place.
    – Prime624
    Commented May 3, 2014 at 1:37
  • 2
    @Prime624 10 minutes is far too short - I wold search for 30 mins at least and then go away an thing then ask - I would expect only to get a good answer after a day or two - i.e. let other see and vote/review the answer so just not rely on one person's view.
    – mmmmmm
    Commented May 6, 2014 at 16:20

Look, in short, this is place for help. Not a place where others are going to do you work for you. If you thought that you were going to get free work, well.... I have this bridge.....

If you're not getting the behavior that you want, you're offering the wrong incentives. That's straight out of my business classes.

If you want better questions, incentivise asking better questions. If you want better, more polite answers, incentivise that too.

To incentivise this, allow for the down-voting of questions. Deduct extra points for redundant questions. It should ding the asker so that eventually, they won't be able to ask anything anymore.

To incentivise polite, accurate answers, that needs to be separate from the overall "rep" score.
Add a "politeness" score and an "accuracy" score to the those who answer questions and open it to voting. The trolls will quickly be silenced by the community. Those who give wrong answers will quickly be voted down. Right now, no matter how rude or wrong your answer is, if you get voted up, you get your rep points, thus there is no incentive to be either polite or accurate.

  • 2
    Politeness is very problematic to measure. For example, people who grew up in a British or American culture might have a very different idea of "polite" or "offensive" than I might have. My polite could be understood as borderline rude by others. Assigning a politeness value to an answer won't work very well. Besides, I don't think the site has a politeness problem in the first place. It has a Zergling rush problem.
    – Tomalak
    Commented May 8, 2014 at 3:50

Well I say the answer quality is dropping on Stack Overflow!

LOL. OK, anyway...

Incentives matter. Introduce money and things will change immediately. Similar to Rugatu: http://www.rugatu.com/

I once asked how to only look for users with more than 100 reputation points a while ago, but some people complained about that. So I created my own filter:


Just remember the eventual solution might not align with Stack Exchange's business interests.

  • 5
    Oh man, I can already see the fraud that would result from a solution that changed the incentives from Imaginary Internet Points to actual money :/ Not to mention an increase in hostility when people have actual money on the line.
    – user456814
    Commented May 14, 2014 at 17:46

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