A lot of SO users, especially novice or inexperienced programmers who frequently ask questions, are genuinely confused about the differences between C and C++. As such, you frequently find questions that are posted with code that is specific (or should be specific) to one language or the other, but are tagged with both the C and C++ tags.
Now granted, the languages are not entirely dissimilar. C++ is even designed to be [mostly] backwards-compatible with C. But if you're writing C code in C++ and taking advantage of that backwards compatibility, then you're not really writing C++ code. And your question should be tagged accordingly.
This issue extends beyond the simplistic difference that "C++ is an object-oriented language". C is not a subset of C++, and C++ isn't simply "C with classes". That language doesn't exist. One simply does things differently in C++ than they would in C, and vice versa. If the tags don't take that into account, it becomes an unfortunate reality that many of the answers don't take that into account. One might argue that the actual differences between the two languages are somewhat "rare" in common usage, but a site like Stack Overflow is going to attract a lot of questions that are specifically about those weird, edge cases that a developer couldn't figure out on her own.
Most importantly, for questions and answers that involve (or quickly can evolve to) "best practices", the recommendations that one would make for C are almost always different from the recommendations for C++. Despite the two languages' syntactical commonalities, the idioms are in many cases so different as to be polar opposites. If syntax were the only concern, tagging questions C and C++ would make as much sense as the duo C++ and C#. But I bet there aren't very many questions with those two tags together (aside from those concerning interop, which obviously don't count...)
From my observation, the worst possible thing is that questions about one language or the other get hastily closed as duplicates of questions that are specifically about the other language. The issue is that the other question carries both tags, so it's natural to assume that it either covers both languages or is about one of those things that remains the same. I've even voted to do this myself and failed to notice the error until someone more careful than I posted a comment highlighting the difference. It's difficult to imagine how many times 5 people have hastily agreed to close a question before noticing the duplicate is actually about the other language, despite carrying both tags and superficially appearing to be a dup. And if C/C++ programmers can make that mistake, imagine how easy it is for smart programmers in other languages to make it.
Therefore, it seems that we should strongly consider disallowing a question from being tagged with both the C and C++ tags simultaneously. The relatively small and specific questions for which this would make sense would not be substantially negatively affected by having to choose one tag or the other. This wouldn't have to go into effect for past questions if that keeps down the amount of work required to implement it. The primary concern, it seems to me, is new questions. At a minimum, we should consider showing a warning to the asker when they add both C and C++ tags to a question.
To pre-empt comments that the community could always edit the tags to fix erroneous co-tagging, consider that it's not always obvious from the question which language the asker is hoping to discuss. That forces editors to make a lot of assumptions about the question being asked that may or may not be correct. It seems the goal of editing (even tags) should be to minimize the assumptions necessary, not increase them. If the asker is forced to choose the most appropriate tag, she may choose incorrectly, but it seems the chance is greatly reduced. If and when it becomes obvious that someone has chosen incorrectly, an edit easily solves the problem.
on meta) also be mutually exclusive?