In the past 2 days, I've rejected about 20 invalid edits, in which the person actually changed the asker's code as their way of "answering." Actually, this is rather mind boggling to me, as this isn't even allowed on regular forums.
(EDIT: Turns out, many of those were "answer" edits, not "question" edits, my bad. Still, the problem is there, imho.)
I'm seriously wondering if there is more that can be done to provide guidelines for editing. I know that when you ask a question, there are rules on the side (which, aside, could stand to be expanded slightly). Shouldn't there be something bright-blazingly obvious on the edit screen, defining what ISN'T a legitimate edit?
(EDIT: What stands currently on the screen is rather "affirmative," so it doesn't make clear what NOT to do. For example: "Do not correct code errors on questions. Respond instead.")
Granted, there are still a lot of people who ignore the rules that are right in front of their faces, but at least it might reduce the problem. If the invalid edits continue to become more and more common, we're going to start seeing them slip past the edit review, and that would be VERY bad for SO as a resource.
there are still a lot of people who ignore the rules that are right in front of their faces
: I think this is the biggest problem. You can put there anything you want, people don't read. And also is people who blindly approves/proposes anything that comes to that queue just to get a badge/points.