I just saw the profile of a user that's 14 years old on SO and I'm wondering...
What's the minimum age to join Stack Overflow?
I just saw the profile of a user that's 14 years old on SO and I'm wondering...
What's the minimum age to join Stack Overflow?
The minimum age to participate is 13 (or 16 when located in the European Union), as stated in the TOS under section 3, "Age Eligibility".
You must be at least 13 years old to access or use the Network or Services, including without limitation to complete a Stack Overflow account registration. By accessing or using the Services or the Network in any manner, you represent and warrant that you are at least 13 years of age. If you are under 13 years old, you may not, under any circumstances or for any reason, access or use the Services or Network in any manner, and may not provide any personal information to or on the Services or Network (including, for example, a name, address, telephone number or email address).
If you are located within the European Union, you must be at least 16 years old to access or use the Network or Services, including without limitation to complete a Stack Overflow Account Registration. By accessing or using the Services or the Network in any manner, you represent and warrant that you are at least 16 years of age. If you are under 16 years old, you may not, under any circumstances or for any reason, access or use the Services or Network in any manner, and may not provide any personal information to or on the Services or Network (including, for example, a name, address, telephone number or email address).
...No one under the age of 13 may provide any personal information...
, this doesn't mean they cannot join and post on SO.
Apr 19, 2014 at 15:20