I've come across way too many questions regarding the segmentation-fault topic that show absolutely no debugging effort on the part of the asker. Two recent examples are here and here.
In questions like these, I always see comments asking the asker whether a debugger was used, which line the segfault occurred in and so on.
Now I'm not saying that these askers purposely do not debug, nor am I insinuating that the asker is lazy. Most of the time, it seems to me, the fact that debuggers exist and are helpful in that situation may not occur to the asker.
So I'm thinking, if there's an easy way to detect whether the question is about a segmentation fault and whether the asker has not included any debugging efforts, then maybe pop up a hint that says something along the lines of, "Have you considered using a debugger to debug your program?" I'm thinking maybe a simple regex could do this? I don't know too much about regexes though.
A disadvantage that I see is that this may irritate askers who know what debuggers are and have reached a dead-end debugging the code. Also, it may irritate people who like clean interfaces without annoying popups. So maybe tune the detection mechanism such that it will never detect false positives, at the cost of letting some legitimate negatives escape?
I also realize that this probably applies to any question asked on Stack Overflow, but I see this happening so very often with questions tagged segmentation-fault.
If you think that this is a load of rubbish, I'll be happy to hear why :)