Questions about ergonomics and working conditions are off-topic for stackoverflow.
Based on the Help center of Personal Productivity those type of questions could fit there.
Personal Productivity Stack Exchange is for people wanting to improve their personal productivity. If you have a question about...
- achieving a productivity workflow, using techniques like GTD, Covey, Pomodoro, etc.
- fighting procrastination by getting energetic and motivated
- workflow
- ergonomics
- effective sleep habits and the entire sleep-wake transition
- learning, memory and creativity
They have a tag ergonomics
For the health issue part they redirect to Physical Fitness which I don't think is a good candidate for your type of question.
If you have health issues in relation to the ergonomic condition of your workplace go see your physician.
average american teenager
. I want to know let's call itsetup
of programmers and software developers, who spent long time not on watching stopid movies, porn, but working, more precisly coding, designing.