There are a lot of questions asking about importing content from websites (web scraping) using Google Sheets formulas. Researching for a canonical Q&A, I found there are dozens of bad questions having almost identical answers saying:
It's not possible by using Google Sheets formulas.
Note: This is not the same as two users posting the almost identical answers to the same question the same day. This question is about two cases,
- the same user posting "duplicate answers" to multiple questions (see below)
- multiple users posting an answer originally posted to another question to new questions giving or not appropriate attribution, but not tailoring the new answer to the question (usually the question doesn't include enough details in order to warrant a tailored answer).
Some answers say that it's not possible to import the content using Google Sheets formulas because the it is loaded by the website using JavaScript, others because the webmaster / developer have established measures to protect the website content from web scraping.
Few of these answers also include a slight tailoring effort, like including a screenshot showing how the source website looks when opening it with JavaScript disabled.
Note: There are other answers that might provide a different answer or might say the same, but provide workarounds. Also there are many cases where the answerer do what I think should be done by the OP, but that is something to not be discussed here. Please keep this post about how to report dozens of duplicate answers.
I have already submitted flagged some answers:
- 5 flags for single answers from one user, all of them accepted.
- 2 flags for single answers from two different users, all of them accepted.
- 1 flags for multiple answers (4) from the same user posted during a single month. Accepted but only the answer that was flagged was deleted.
What is the best way to report the other duplicate answers? Should I keep reporting one by one? Does it make sense to make some sort of task list and share it with moderators and others that might like to join to clean up the site from almost identical answers?
- After skimming the false positives from a search using the user id and certain keywords, it gives around 60 duplicate answers
- I'm afraid that there might additional dozens duplicate answers that might be found making variants of the above search
- Should I mod-flag duplicate answers for deletion, or not?
- How about adding a "duplicate answer" manual flag type?
Additional details addressed to reply to clarification requests.
Google Sheets
The Google Sheets bult-in functions used for importing data are IMPORTDATA, IMPORTFEED, IMPORTHMTL, IMPORTXML and IMPORTRANGE.
NOTE: I don't use "web scraping" term in questions about using IMPORTRANGE.The built-in functions requires a URL using http or https protocols. They are only able to do HTTP GET requests. Examples:
.IMPORTXML("", "//a/@href")
.IMPORTRANGE("", "sheet1!A1:C10")
I posted this self-answered question in Web Applications SE How to know if Google Sheets IMPORTDATA, IMPORTFEED, IMPORTHTML or IMPORTXML functions are able to get data from a resource hosted on a website?
Google Sheets uses Google Apps Script to create custom functions. Some common names used for Google Sheets custom functions in Stack Overflow questions for importing data are IMPORTJSON and IMPORTFROMWEB.
Are these questions which have almost identical answers duplicates of each other?
I'm gold tag badge holder and already closed as duplicate few of these questions that only have an almost identical answer. Questions that have other answers, i.e., that the answerer took the time to analyse the website and offer workarounds like using a different Google Sheets function or research for an alternative data sources I didn't close them yet. Note: This is not something that I revisit from time to time when I found new questions that might be closed as duplicate.