There doesn't appear to be anything that references followed posts in the SE API.
Luckily, this is pretty trivial to automate because navigating between pages of followed posts doesn't require a full page refresh. Open your browser's devtools (with Chrome on Windows, this can be done with control-shift-I) and open the Console tab. Open your last page of followed posts. Paste the following code into the console and press enter. It'll iterate backwards through the pages until it reaches the first.
const delay = ms => new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, ms));
const unfollowAllOnPage = async () => {
const summaries = document.querySelectorAll('#user-tab-following .s-post-summary__deleted');
for (const [i, summary] of summaries.entries()) {
console.log(`Done with ${i + 1} of ${summaries.length}`);
await delay(2000);
const prev = document.querySelector('#user-tab-following .js-pagination-item[rel="prev"]');
if (prev) {;
setTimeout(unfollowAllOnPage, 2000);
That said, I notice that you're very close to 10k reputation - sometimes, you may have followed a post because you thought it was interesting. I don't know if those under 10k have the ability to view the entirety of posts they've followed that have been deleted. (You can see the summary - the title and a couple sentences - but what about the full post?) If not, you might want to wait a little bit before clearing your followed list so you can double check them individually - perhaps some that you found interesting were deleted, in case you might want to do further research on it or re-ask a similar question. (That's what I do, at least)