Should creating a tag require a more refined process?
Yes, it should.
It would be very nice if we did not have an asymmetrical relationship between one user with 1.5K+ reputation being able to create problems that take multiple users and often moderators to deal with via disambiguation, synonymization, retagging, and burnination.
Ideally, it would be a full-scale review system with 2-3 (take your pick) users required to approve the tag. It would also help if, in addition (or at least instead) to that, users were required to create (or suggest until they can do so unilaterally) both an excerpt and a tag wiki for the proposed tag.
As for increasing reputation threshold, not a big fan - understanding of how the site works is empirically confirmed to not be a product of reputation accumulation, we will only end up shifting the problem.
Now, since we are finished daydreaming, here is a tiny problem: any such thing would require Stack Exchange, Inc. to step in and help us out.
Which, given that the tag system is one of the most underloved systems on the site, would be quite a task.