Please help to make the following synonym


Both tags refers to the same API and to the same documentation -> https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/web/sign-in

google-login (1,103 questions)


Google-login refers to a sign-in API provided by Google.


Google provides an API to allow developers to integrate a secure and quick way in their apps to log their users in using a registration system they are already using and trust most. There is full guidance available here.

Top Links

  1. Google Sign-In for Websites

google-signin (3,249 questions)


Google Sign-In allows users to sign in to your application with their Google accounts


By adding Google Sign-In, you bring the power of Google to your site or application. When a user is signed in, you get an OAuth token for making API requests on their behalf, which you can use to better understand your user, connect them with their friends, and create a richer and more engaging experience.

You can also add the Google+ Sign-In button to your Android or iOS app.

Minimal implementations


Include the required JS headers

  <script src="https://apis.google.com/js/client:platform.js?onload=startApp"

async defer>

Put a placeholder for containing the button

  <!-- ... -->
  <div id="gConnect">
    <div id="signin-button"></div>
  <!-- ... -->

Render the button and handle user sign-in

function startApp() {
  gapi.load('auth2', function() {
    gapi.client.load('plus','v1').then(function() {
      gapi.signin2.render('signin-button', {
          scope: 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/plus.login',
          fetch_basic_profile: false });
      gapi.auth2.init({fetch_basic_profile: false,
            function (){
              auth2 = gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance();
              auth2.isSignedIn.listen( function() {
  • 3
    Thumbs up for the request, but unfortunately, I don't have the required score to help - reposted in the community chat room, maybe someone with the score will notice and help
    – 0Valt
    Commented Feb 27, 2022 at 19:37

1 Answer 1


Done. Merged the following tags:

1. >

updating post history, 1284 rows affected (pipe delimited)
updating posts, 1100 rows affected  (pipe delimited)
updating PostTags associations, 1038 rows affected
destroying 'google-login': [google-login] removed from (0 post, 0 history, 1 tag)
total: 1 tags deleted, 0 posts modified, 0 post histories modified
0 history records had empty tags; retagged to [untagged]
0 post records had empty tags; retagged to [untagged]
updating count for target tag, new count: 4282
tag remapping of [google-signin] and [google-login] complete!
remapping 0 synonyms
61 favorite and ignored tags remapped!
72 tracked tag badges were remapped!
Tag Synonym google-login -> google-signin was approved!

2. >

updating post history, 219 rows affected (pipe delimited)
updating posts, 195 rows affected  (pipe delimited)
updating PostTags associations, 54 rows affected
destroying 'googlesigninapi': [googlesigninapi] removed from (0 post, 0 history, 1 tag)
total: 1 tags deleted, 0 posts modified, 0 post histories modified
0 history records had empty tags; retagged to [untagged]
0 post records had empty tags; retagged to [untagged]
updating count for target tag, new count: 4336
tag remapping of [google-signin] and [googlesigninapi] complete!
remapping 0 synonyms
10 favorite and ignored tags remapped!
3 tracked tag badges were remapped!
Tag Synonym googlesigninapi -> google-signin was approved!
  • Thank you very much Samuel and the people supporting this request.
    – Wicket
    Commented Feb 28, 2022 at 2:26

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