Lately I observe that more and more new users use the Tables feature in the question formatting tool. Ref.: 1, 2, 3, 4.
Has it been specifically suggested anywhere recently? May be a coincidental accumulation, but I don't recall observing this before.
Firstly, it is very cumbersome and backward for the user to create such tables, and secondly, it has many disadvantages compared to dput
in R and other more suitable methods of sharing data, because it fails to scope all the important features of the data shared. This can lead to frustration of the askers, because they are requested to share the data properly and they don't know why, get no or bad answers, or even might get downvoted or closed. The same applies to the answerers, who are annoyed that they do not have proper data available to reproduce an issue.
My spontaneous suggestion:
Could there be a small pop-up or something implemented that appears when clicking feature button with a text like the following?
Note: Using the Tables feature to share data may result in important data characteristics not being captured, read How to create a Minimal, Reproducible Example
I'm not sure how to make this suitable for all tags, but I think at least in the R tag it could help improve workflow significantly.