As people have commented already, bit-depth is a more general term than color-depth. Whereas color depth is the number of bits per pixel, any attribute that is digitized has a bit depth, which is the number of bits per sample. Audio and voltage measurements are just two examples.
In practical usage on Stack Overflow, there is almost certainly some overlap between the two tags, but I don't see any compelling reason to remove one or the other tag.
(Why there are so many tags with no description is a more significant question, but let's ignore that for this one.)
The reason is actually quite simple: the description must be manually composed and submitted by users. It doesn't happen automatically. So, if no one creates and submits a tag description, there won't be one available. Note that anyone can submit tag descriptions as part of the suggested edit system. The submissions will be reviewed by other community members, and, if approved, will go live. For tips on writing a good tag wiki excerpt, please see this blog entry. In particular, note that a good tag wiki excerpt should not define the word/concept, but rather describe when/how the tag should be used on Stack Overflow.