My question is similar to that one but in this case, I´m asking for a different web/community where one can debate/rebate about any theme of a matter (preferably classifiable) with the same or similar writing interface (LaTex is compulsory) and model of moderation (except one thing ... suggestion and comments might be privacy to author and zero offensive).
For example, my teacher says that NP class contains only P and NP-complete problems, but I think he is wrong. We decided to open the debate publicly where anyone can throw its arguments but not only voting the question.
I think sometimes we learn things because we have to pass an exam, not understanding what logic is behind, and we never discuss that even when logic is inexistent. I think now we have a great opportunity to break this "status quo" of worshipping the word of the lord.
It can be very useful as a background for students, teachers, professors or researchers ... and the knowledge/science will grow collectively.
I have read the question Is there a less restrictive Stack Exchange site specially suited for not too specific questions? and it is not exactly with the same aim. I'm talking about a discussion with high-level knowledge on the matter (not for beginners or thugs). I think that for begginers SE works fine as it is, I´m talking about discusing the "status of the art" because things changes every day, and wht our "professors" had known as correct today may be not exactly the most accurate answer.