This question was closed as being too broad and I was going to vote to reopen it, but I wanted to see what the community consensus was before I pushed it into the queue and also, I want to see if my thinking is correct (self audit?).
I personally don't see it as being too broad mainly because of what the question is asking:
How to get difference of time in human readable with Laravel 5?
(emphasis mine)
Firstly, the question is asking for the "Laravel way" of doing what they are asking, and therefore it automatically removes the "broadness" from what I can see. If the question was asking for the PHP way (more generic) then I'd be voting to close too.
Secondly, the question only had / has one answer, and therefore one can safely say that this question isn't too broad and that there is a "Laravel way" to achieve what the user is asking. Obviously it could just be that the question was closed, hence no other answers were posted, but significant time had passed before the asking and the closure, yet no other answers were posted, from what I can see.
Thirdly, another indicator for it not being too broad (and the OP wanting solutions through Laravel) is that when the OP was provided with external approaches they commented with:
huh...not at all, I was asking about a specific and existing function to get diff. of time IN laravel5.
So, is this question really too broad?
Edit #1
To clarify for the people that are viewing this after the original question was posted, the question that I'm am discussing was originally closed as too broad then reopened and then re-closed as dupe. The comments should clarify further what has gone on.
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