I was reviewing some answers when and then this answer came along: VBA Name a Sheet with ComboBox
To quote the answer:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Sheets("Sheet1").Copy Before:=Sheets(Sheets.Count) ActiveSheet.Name = ComboBox1.Value Me.Hide End Sub
I didn't think this answer deserved to be deleted but rather improved with some more information, as how this answer would fix OP's problem.
In my opinion this answer only suggested something without any information whatsover given, except a piece of code.
So I added a comment under his question
Explain how this helps to solve the problem and what the OP did do wrong.
He replied with:
OP has already everything he needs. and even more (two unnecessary code lines and one unnecessary variable)
So I replied:
Yes I know, but I think you should add a little explaination to your awnser. Like the accepted anwser did in his snippet using comment lines.
When he replied with:
the explanation you require is right in the accepted answer
Now I am a little confused. Was my judgement wrong? Mainly because his reputation is more than mine is, so he likely has much more experience than I have.
Was my judgement right? Or was the given answer correct and no need for any addition?
you need to use this code ...
and I cannot add more information as the code is pretty well clear. The only thing I can do is to describe the code which can be trivial and obvious by simply reading it."Although this code might (or might not) solve the problem, a good answer always requires some explanation on how the problem was solved"
actualy anwser my question. But also agree with @yivi, its still an anwser. Even it being a poor one. Thansk everyone, I think I got it clear now.