So today I remembered this post and decided to give it a try to see if I could log on with my email address as opposed to the OpenID provider I had connected to my account.
Bad mistake.
BTW: the reason I am posting this here instead of on
is because I now have a fresh account there (which I never intended!) with 1 reputation point, which is below the minimum to post there. So in essence if someone decides to migrate this question I'll be unable to comment, respond or whatever. I used to have an account there that had reputation somewhere in the 360s.
First thing was to log out of all Stack Exchange sites and check the check box for doing that on all devices.
The OpenID provider I had connected is one that I am running all by myself on my own server using SimpleID.
I used to have an email address connected to that same account and I still have previous correspondence from various Stack Exchange sites in said mailbox. At some point, for example, I was offered moderator on one of the beta sites; those mails still exist. Alas, the "forgot?" link was apparently the worst choice I could have made. It caused the creation of the fresh account on
for no good reason.
I have no idea how to proceed without further messing up things. When I try the link or similar links, I see a confirmation that the email with the recovery link has been sent:
When I then click the recovery link, I get to set a password and next thing I see this:
Alas, the first time I confirmed that, I ended up with a fresh account with no reputation on
How do I get out of this without further damage?
At this time an attempt to log on with anything but my registered OpenID provider yields rather surprising results. (NB: I intentionally blurred out the email addresses.)
It almost appears as if I now have somehow "split" the account and each and every one of the Stack Exchange sites now has an independent account, even though I used to be active with this very account on several of them.
To give you an example, after logging in with OpenID on Stack Overflow and then switching sites to
, I am offered "Join this community" although the menu I used to switch sites showed me the reputation value: