I would like to post an answer to this question but the editor does not let me click on "Post your answer" and tells me that:
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I think it is because your variable calibration_flags as CALIB_CHECK_COND set.
Try disabling this flag. Without it I was able to undistort your images (see links below).
I am not sure what this check is for (the [documentation][1] is not very explicit). This flag reject some images¹ of my gopro hero 3 even when the chessboard is visible and detected. In my case one image among 20 is not passing this test. This image has the chessboard close to the left border.
¹ in OpenCV versions >= 3.4.1 the [error message][2] tells you which image is not passing the test
[1]: https://docs.opencv.org/3.4.1/db/d58/group__calib3d__fisheye.html
[2]: https://github.com/opencv/opencv/pull/9067/commits/5ca7dcc6e74b9c6068b8de1f49f289d6bc6b5a0b
I understand that you have to do checks but the editor does not tell me on which line(s) the problem is so it is a bit frustrating. I have already posted 18 answers on the network and never had such problem before.
It could be due to the fact that I first tried to use back quotes around calibration_flags and CALIB_CHECK_COND, but even after removing them the problem persists.
![alt text](image url)
for those images.