I don't use SQL much, of any form. Which probably makes me a good candidate for evaluating documentation and references from the perspective of someone who's already good at programming, but not at programming that.
I have two resources I've used with regard to SQL: the SQLite website, and The Definitive Guide to SQLite book. by Michael Owens.
I'll go over the strengths and weaknesses of both.
The Definitive Guide to SQLite is absolutely excellent if you have absolutely no idea what a relational database is. It covers the mathematical foundations of the relational model, and it covers how that model is applied to SQLite. It does this, in my estimation, very well.
Chapter 4, SQL, should be required reading for anyone who is writing teaching materials for newbies. This is where the theory presented in prior chapters gets applied to the actual SQLite. They present lots of complex examples of selections, joins, etc, really going over all of the options of the fiendishly complex SELECT
The later chapters of the book are OK. Not particularly great as a reference (especially since it's somewhat out-of-date). But they give you a good foundation of the API.
The thing I'd say this book was lacking is not concepts, but idioms. This book taught me the structure of an SQL database, but it didn't teach me how to use it to accomplish things. For example, how do I make tables have a column that effectively contains an array of strings?
Common SQL idioms are not touched on at all. That may be outside the boundary of such a book, but they are still important to know.
The SQLite website is decent reference documentation. It's highly comprehensive (though I can't agree with others who say that the giant flowchart for the SELECT
command is useful), and it is up-to-date with the latest SQLite releases.
One of the failures in the website is ease of navigation. Sometimes, concepts and pages that should be linked aren't, and there is no easy navigation between pages outside of inline links. As a simple example, the CREATE table page has no direct links to the ALTER table page, even though they are obviously related.
A more pernicious problem is that information is highly localized. Here's what I mean. An SQLite datatype is conceptually like a constraint. And yet, you won't find a link to the page for SQLite's constraints on the datatype page. In fact, there is no page that covers SQLite's constraints specifically. They're listed on the page for the CREATE
table command. Why?
Because it belongs there; after all, constraints are part of table creation. But it also belongs on its own separate page. And it belongs on the ALTER
table command too, though restricted since you can't add certain kinds of constraints that way.
What they really need is a way to put the same information in multiple places, but only edit it in one place. This is something I do frequently on the OpenGL Wiki, through MediaWiki transclusion. For example, the Built-in Variables page lists all of the variables in each shader stage that GLSL defines. But each of the pages for those shader stages also lists those variables. I only write the information once; they're transcluded from there into the various other pages.